224 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 176
where the holder is engaged in practice; and no person shall be
deemed to be in the legal practice of dental hygiene who does not
posses POSSESS and display such license and the current registra-
tion certificate.
(g) If any license herein provided for is lost or destroyed, and
if the holder thereof shall desire a new license to be issued in place
of the license lost or destroyed, he shall make written application to
the secretary of the Board for reissuance of the same, under affi-
davit, setting forth that such license is lost or destroyed, and the
circumstances under which such loss or destruction occurred, and
upon receipt of such satisfactory application and affidavit, the
secretary shall issue to said applicant a duplicate license, for which
there shall be paid a fee of five dollars ($5.00).
31. Requirements as to practice.
(a) Compliance with sub-title.—No person, other than a duly
licensed dentist shall practice dental hygiene except upon com-
pliance with the provisions of this sub-title.
(b) Where practice permitted.—Any person licensed to practice
dental hygiene under the provisions of this sub-title may practice
only in the private offices of a licensed dentist; in a private office
or a dental clinic provided by a federal, State, county, or municipal
agency, or in hospitals, schools, or charitable institutions, or in an
industrial clinic supervised by a licensed dentist, conducted only
for employees of the firm providing the clinic [; and provided fur-
ther, that no dentist shall employ more than one dental hygienist
in the conducting of a private practice].
[(c) Where acts may be performed.—Any person licensed to prac-
tice dental hygiene under the provisions of this sub-title may re-
move calcareous deposits, accretions, and stains from exposed sur-
faces of the teeth and may polish the teeth and chart cavities noted
during the process of prophylaxis, but shall not perform any other
operations on the teeth or tissues of the mouth.]
32. Grounds for suspension, revocation or refusal to [renew
certificate] register.
The Board shall have the power to suspend or revoke or refuse
to renew a [certificate] license [of qualification] upon any one or
more of the following grounds:
(a) Gross immorality, or unprofessional conduct.
(b) Failure, neglect, or refusal to renew the [certificate of quali-
fication] permit to practice annually or upon practice in an unde-
signated location.
(c) Nonobservance or infraction of any provision of this sub-
title, or of any Board rule or regulation made hereunder.
(d) Gross inefficiency in the practice of dental hygiene.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1959.
Approved March 11, 1959.