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Session Laws, 1959
Volume 642, Page 178   View pdf image (33K)
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178                              Laws op Maryland                       [Ch. 149

thereafter, there shall be elected [three] four FIVE County Commis-
sioners who shall be qualified voters of the [said] County and shall
have resided at least two years in [said] Worcester County immedi-
ately preceding their election, and shall have been owners of and
assessed with real estate in said County for at least one year preced-
ing their said election; and for the purpose of selecting persons eligi-
ble as said County Commissioners, the County shall be considered as
divided into [three] four Commissioners' Districts. [, one of which]
The first Commissioner District shall consist of Pocomoke Election
District and Atkinsons' Election District [; one]. The Second Com-
missioner District shall consist
of Snow Hill District, Stockton Dis-
trict and Newark District [, and one]. The Third Commissioner
District shall consist
of East Berlin District, West Berlin District,
BERLIN DISTRICT [Ocean City District] and St. Martin's District,
the same being what were formerly known as the three collection dis-
tricts of said Worcester County [; and one]. The Fourth Commis-
sioner District shall consist of the Tenth Election District. One
said County Commissioners shall be a resident of each of said
[three] four Commissioner Districts, so that the Board of County
Commissioners shall be composed always of a representative from
each of said [three] four Commissioner Districts; AND THE
of each of said Commissioners shall be seven hundred and twenty
dollars per year, payable monthly by Worcester County [, and the
said]. The said Commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered
to employ a clerk or clerks to keep up to date the assessment records
and other records of their office, the salary of such clerk or clerks to
be fixed by the said Commissioners and to be paid by Worcester
County [, and the]. The said Commissioners shall meet at least one
day in every week and shall remain in session so long as may be
necessary to properly transact the business of the County. In addi-
tion to the annual salary aforesaid, each of the County Commis-
sioners shall receive the sum of [$480] $720 annually, payable in
monthly installments, to defray the travelling expenses of said Com-
missioners in the performance of their official duties.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That promptly following June
1, 1959, the Governor shall appoint a person who would have been
qualified for election as a County Commissioner of Worcester County,
AND A COMMISSIONER AT LARGE to fill the vacant position
POSITIONS created by this Act; and from and after June 1, 1959,
there shall be four FIVE County Commissioners' positions for Wor-
cester County. The initial appointment APPOINTMENTS shall be
made only by the Governor, and not according to the provisions of
Section 16 of Article 25 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition). The appointment APPOINTMENTS shall be so made that
the Board of County Commissioners shall be composed of representa-
tives from each of the four Commissioner Districts herein described.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1959.

Approved March 11, 1959.


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Session Laws, 1959
Volume 642, Page 178   View pdf image (33K)
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