are found or displayed in a commercial establishment, it would be
necessary for the enforcement officer to witness the sales transaction,
or himself be a party to it in order to be assured of a conviction under
the Bill.
While the establishment of creel limit may seem to have some
merit, it is not enforceable without the prescription of a "possession
limit". In the event of finding oversize rock fish in quantities in excess
of one per day for each person present, an enforcement officer would
experience great difficulty in proving, beyond a responsible doubt,
that all were caught the same day.
Both from commercial value and sportsman interest, rock fish is
Maryland's most valuable specie. Although the desire of the angler
for a large trophy is recognized, the taking of large numbers of these
highly prolific fish would threaten existing commercial and sports
fisheries. The failure of the General Assembly to enact any counter-
restrictive or compensatory legislation strengthens the desirability
of maintaining the law in its present form.
Primarily, because of the difficulty that I feel that the Department
of Tidewater Fisheries would encounter in the enforcement of this
Bill should it become law, and also because I feel that the Bill is
an anti-conservation measure, I am forced to veto the same. I fully
realize that relatively few rock fish in excess of fifteen pounds are
caught by sports fishermen during the year, however, it is obvious
that some fish in excess of fifteen pounds are caught and to legalize
the catching of these is, in my opinion, a step backwards conservation-
Respectfully yours,
JMT:S:g Governor.
House Bill No. 896—Baltimore County; People's Court
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 7-52
and 7-60 of the Baltimore County Code (1958 Edition, being Article
3 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Baltimore
County", sub-title "Title 7. Courts, Fines, Forfeitures and Im-
prisonment", sub-heading "Article II. People's Court", changing
the manner of appointment of the Chief Clerk, of the additional
Clerks, and of the Constable or Constables of the People's Court
of Baltimore County, relating to the compensation of these several
positions, and relating generally to the holders of such positions,
their tenure therein and their salaries.
May 4, 1959.
Honorable Perry O. Wilkinson
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
I have today vetoed House Bill 896 and I am returning same to you
along with my veto message, as is required by Article 2, Section 17
of the Maryland Constitution.