1438 Joint Resolutions
There already is wide-spread interest in the State of Maryland as
may be witnessed by the fact that between 500 and 600 people belong
to the Society for the Preservation of Maryland Antiquities. It is
an active organization, having as its main objective the preservation
of old homes and furnishings that are an important part of the
Maryland heritage. This group works very closely with the Mary-
land Historical Society.
The funds of the Society for the Preservation of Maryland Anti-
quities are very limited and have been spent on a relatively few
projects. There is need therefore for some type of governmental
assistance in the proper care, preservation and marking of Mary-
land's antiquities.
One possibility is that the State establish a quasi-public corpora-
tion which would be self-perpetuating to act as a holding corporation
for historic properties that are obtained by the State and to hold
such properties as shrines for the use and benefit of all our people.
Such a State agency would very likely encourage the owners of his-
toric properties to convey them to the State or to this holding
corporation in the knowledge that they would be properly cared for
and treated with the veneration and respect so desirable. Accord-
ingly, it is the hope of the General Assembly that possibilities for
the care of historic places and shrines should be explored in order
to determine the State's future policy in this vital matter; now,
therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Governor
of Maryland be requested to appoint a special Commission to study
possibilities for the Preservation of Antiquities in Maryland; and
be it further
Resolved, That this Committee when appointed be requested to
meet and organize promptly and to consider all possibilities for this
laudable purpose, including the possibility of creating a quasi-public
corporation to act as a holding agency for old homes, furnishings,
buildings, monuments and sites in Maryland; and be it further
Resolved, That the Commission when appointed be requested to
meet and organize promptly and to report its findings and recom-
mendations to the Governor and to the General Assembly.
Approved March 24, 1959.
NO. 8
(House Joint Resolution 2)
House Joint Resolution declaring October 16, 1959, Augustine
Herman Day.
Whereas, the Augustine Herman Czech American Historical
Society has been organized in the City of Baltimore, State of Mary-
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.