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Session Laws, 1959
Volume 642, Page 1423   View pdf image (33K)
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J. MILLARD TAWES, GOVERNOR                          1423

(y) The provisions of this section shall not apply to Queen Anne's

714. (a) How to Apply for Hydraulic Dredge License.—Any per-
son wishing to take or catch soft shell clams (Mya arenaria) with
any hydraulic or mechanical dredge or rig in the waters of Queen
Anne's County or the waters of the Chesapeake Bay adjacent thereto
shall appear before the Commission of Tidewater Fisheries and make
application for a hydraulic or mechanical dredge or rig license. Every
such applicant shall exhibit to said Commission satisfactory evidence
showing the name or number and size of the boat or rig; the size
of the blade, water manifold and conveyor or elevator on the boat or
rig to be used, and make further oath or affirmation that he is the
bona fide owner of such boat; that there is no lien on said boat held
by a nonresident of Maryland; that he has been a resident of Queen
Anne's County for at least one year prior to the making of such
application, and that the information he has furnished concerning
the rig is true.

(b)  Issuance of License and Duration.Upon the receipt of the
application and upon making such oath, the Commission of Tide-
water Fisheries shall issue a hydraulic or mechanical dredge license
for the taking of soft shell clams for such boat or rig and shall
receive therefor $50.00 as a license fee. Licenses issued hereunder
shall be valid for twelve (12) months from July 1st to June thirtieth.

(c)  Residence of Master and Crew.(1) The master, captain,
operator and crew of such hydraulic or mechanical dredge shall have
been a bona fide resident of Queen Anne's County for a period of
one year.

(2) The master, captain or operator of any hydraulic or mechanical
dredge shall be the actual owner thereof, or a member of the imme-
diate family of the licensee; provided that this sub-title shall not
apply to deny to any licensee prior to the enactment hereof the right
to apply for, be issued and operate the same number of licenses issued
to such person during the license year of July 1, 1958, to June 30, 1959.

(d)  It shall be lawful for the owner of any licensed hydraulic or
mechanical dredge, boat or rig, whenever said owner shall sell and
convey by bill of sale for a bona fide consideration such boat or rig
to any person, who has been a resident of this State for at least one
year, to transfer said license to said purchaser with said boat, pro-
vided said purchaser shall be a bona fide resident of the county in
which said dredge or rig is licensed or is to be licensed for at least
one year. Such license so transferred shall entitle said purchaser to
the same privileges of taking or catching soft shell clams with hy-
draulic or mechanical dredge that the original owner had before such
assignment; provided both seller and purchaser appear before the
Commission of Tidewater Fisheries and make oath to all facts, mat-
ters and things made in the application for such license, and that the
purchaser pay said Commission the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00), and
said Commission shall then certify on the license that the same has
been validly transferred and the transfer fee paid.

(e) Measurement of Rig.Each boat or rig shall have but one
conveyor or elevator for taking soft shell clams, not to exceed nine-
teen (19) feet in length, measured from axle to axle. Each boat or


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Session Laws, 1959
Volume 642, Page 1423   View pdf image (33K)
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