1418 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 828
the Commission of Tidewater Fisheries, and/or the Department of
Research and Education. All monies received by the Comptroller of
the Treasury, under the provisions of this subsection, shall be credited
to a fund to be known as the Clam Fund, the monies in which shall
be for the use of the Department of Research and Education for the
study and research of clamming in the State of Maryland, and all
other monies received by the Comptroller by the provisions of this
section shall be credited to general funds unless otherwise designated
in this Article.
(2) (i) The Commission of Tidewater Fisheries shall issue and pro-
vide forms to all licensed soft shell clam dredgers which shall require
the following information thereon; the date of catch; dredger's license
number, name and address; area or areas where soft shell clams were
caught; name of licensed soft shell dealer to whom clams were sold
and the number of U. S. bushels, or parts thereof, sold to said dealer,
and such other information as may be required by the Commission
of Tidewater Fisheries. Said forms shall be in triplicate, and be
signed by the licensed soft shell clam dredger. One copy thereof is
to be retained by the licensed soft shell clam dredger for not less than
eighteen (18) months; one copy thereof is to be returned or delivered
to the Commission of Tidewater Fisheries weekly, and the remaining
copy is to be given the licensed soft shell clam dealer.
(ii) The Commission of Tidewater Fisheries shall also issue and
provide to each licensed soft shell clam dealer forms to be executed
by the dealer, in the event of resale by him, in Maryland, of clams
for transport or export, and delivered to each purchaser, trucker
transporter or exporter thereof, showing the dealer's license number,
the date of sale, the name of the person, persons, partnership or
corporation to whom said unshucked soft shell clams were sold, and
the number of U. S. bushels, or parts thereof, sold thereto, and such
other information as may be required by the Commission of Tidewater
(iii) It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, partnership, or
corporation, whether or not a licensed soft shell clam dealer, to ship,
transport or export unshucked soft shell clams out of the State of
Maryland without having in possession executed copies of the above
mentioned dredger's or dealer's forms, proving the purchase and
quantity contained in each and every shipment.
(iv) Said forms shall be exhibited, upon demand, by any licensed
soft shell clam dredger or dealer, or by any person, persons, partner-
ship or corporation, shipping, transporting or exhibiting soft shell
clams, to any officer of the Commission of Tidewater Fisheries.
(m) Dealers to be licensed.—Except as hereinafter set forth, any
person desiring to be a dealer in the business of buying and selling,
shipping or marketing soft shell clams taken from the waters of this
State shall first obtain a license from the Department of Tidewater
Fisheries. A dealers license shall not be required of any person or
corporation, resident or nonresident, if such person or corporation
has purchased such clams from a licensed soft shell clam dealer,
whether or not said clams are purchased for sale, retail or wholesale.
The applicant, if a bona fide resident of this State for one year, shall
pay the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for issuing the same and
if a nonresident shall pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)