84D. (a) Any person, [firm or corporation] who owns or
operates, whether as owner, lessee or licensee, the premises upon
which it is desired to maintain any amusement devices de-
scribed in Sub-section (a) of Section 84C hereof, may obtain
a license therefor upon application to the License Clerk of the
County hereinafter provided for upon forms prescribed for that pur-
pose by [said clerk] the Board of County Commissioners and upon
payment of the prescribed annual license fee of $150.00 for each
single unit machine having but one slot or receptacle for the insertion
of a coin for the first FIVE thereof, $200.00 for the next five
TEN thereof, $250.00 FOR THE NEXT TEN THEREOF, and
thereafter $250.00 $300.00 per such machine up to FOR THE FIRST
MACHINE UP TO AND including the maximum of 25 35 machines
herein provided for. Where the machine or device sought to be
licensed is a multiple slot or "Console" variety, having more than
one receptacle for the insertion of coins, the applicant shall pay
an additional fee of $25.00 for each additional slot or receptacle.
Licenses for no more than [three] twenty five THIRTY-FIVE
such machines, whether they be single or multiple slot machines,
owned or rented shall be issued to anyone person, [firm or
corporation under this sub-section;] in no event shall any licensee
be issued licenses for more than 25 35 machines; provided, however,
that this limitation shall not apply to licenses issued under Sub-
section (b) of this section, [and provided further that if any person,
firm or corporation held licenses under Chapter 678 of the laws of
Maryland of 1949, in excess of three, on January 1, 1951, such
licenses may be renewed from year to year.] All applications for
renewal shall be filed on or before April 1, and all licenses shall
be issued as of May 1 and shall expire April 30 of each year. Appli-
cation can be made for a new license at any time during the year.
Applicants who own or operate hotels, summer resorts or any type
of seasonal business and who are not open for business the entire
year may obtain a "seasonal" license by the payment of a fee of
$150.00 for each machine with a single slot or receptacle sought to
be licensed up to and including [ten] twenty-five THIRTY-FIVE
machines, [and $75.00 for each additional machine over ten.]
For multiple slot or "console" machines the additional fee of $25.00
per slot shall be paid as prescribed by this sub-section. The payment
of said fees shall authorize the owner or operator to maintain on
such premises the licensed machines from May 1 to October 1 in
any year.
In no event shall more than twenty-five THIRTY-FIVE machines
be operated in any one building or premises, nor shall any such
licensee have any interest, direct or indirect, in the operation of more
than twenty-five THIRTY-FIVE machines, it being the intention of
this section to prohibit the operation of more than twenty-five
THIRTY-FIVE machines in any one building or premises regardless
of whether such licensees are directly or indirectly interested in the
operation of such machines, and to further prohibit any such person,
FIRM OR CORPORATION from having any interest direct or in-
direct, in the operation of more than twenty five THIRTY-FIVE
machines in Charles County regardless of where such machines may