1.3 miles along the aforesaid line to its intersection with the center
line of the Ardmore-Brightseat Road; thence southerly about 1.5
miles along the aforesaid line to its intersection with the center line
of the Landover-Brightseat Road; thence southeasterly about 04
mile along the aforesaid line to its intersection with the center line
of the C. M. Roberts private road; thence southerly about 1.8 miles
along the aforesaid line to its intersection with the center line of
Central Avenue; thence westerly about 0.5 mile along the aforesaid
line to its intersection with the center line of the Ritchie Road, which
road forms the eastern boundary line of Election District No. 18
(Seat Pleasant); thence southerly, southwesterly, and westerly about
4.3 miles along the aforesaid boundary line to its intersection at Oak-
land with the center line of the Washington and Marlboro Road;
thence due southwest about 300 feet to a line 300 feet southwest of
and parallel to the aforesaid road; thence northeasterly about 1.2
miles along the aforesaid line to its intersection with the Maryland-
District of Columbia Boundary Line; thence due northeast about 1.7
miles along the aforesaid Boundary Line to the eastern corner of
the District of Columbia; thence due northwest 10.0 miles along the
aforesaid Boundary Line to the northern corner of the District of
Columbia; thence due southwest about 6.0 miles along the afore-
said Boundary Line to the place of beginning.
(b) 1947 Addition in Prince George's County.—The boundaries
of the Metropolitan District are altered by the addition thereto of
the two (2) following described areas, which said areas shall here-
after become integral portions of the Metropolitan District subject
to all the provisions of this Article with respect to said District. The
areas added hereby to the District are described as follows:
(1) Beginning at a point where the center line of Little Paint
Branch intersects the original center line of the Colesville-Beltsville
Road, also known as the Odell Road, and running thence southerly
about 2.6 miles along the center line of Little Paint Branch to its in-
tersection with the dividing line between Election District No. 1
(Vansville) and Election District No. 21 (Berwyn); thence north-
westerly about 1.7 miles along the aforesaid dividing line to its in-
tersection with the Montgomery-Prince George's County Line; thence
northeasterly about 2.2 miles along the aforesaid County Line to its
intersection with the original center line of the Colesville-Beltsville
Road, also known as the Odell Road; thence easterly and south-
easterly about 1.0 mile along the aforesaid line to its intersection
with the center line of Little Paint Branch, said intersection being
the point of beginning.
(2) Beginning at the mid-point of Boundary Stone No. 5 on the
southeast boundary line of the District of Columbia and running north-
easterly therefrom about 3.0 miles along said boundary line to its
intersection with a line 300 feet south of and parallel to the center
line of the Washington-Marlboro Road; thence easterly and south-
easterly about 1.2 miles along the aforesaid line to its intersection
with a line extending due southwest from the intersection at Oak-
land formed by the center lines of the Washington-Marlboro Road
and the Walker Mill Road, the latter being part of the eastern
boundary line of Election District No. 18 (Seat Pleasant); thence
due northeast about 300 feet to the intersection at Oakland formed