program years, the second four program years, or the third four
program years, as the case may be, the Commission shall forthwith
revise its planned construction of road mileage so as promptly to
reduce the percentage of variance in those counties to a point not
higher than the average among all the counties. The above referred
to mileage limitations and restrictions for construction and improve-
ment in the several counties shall be deemed as a legislative direction
and the Commission shall endeavor to stay within the above men-
tioned limitations and restrictions. If, however, construction or im-
provement in some county or counties shall not fall within the above
mileage limitations at the conclusion of any four year period the
Commission may proceed with its proposed highway construction and
improvement which is scheduled for subsequent four year periods.
The document hereinabove referred to is entitled "Roads Construc-
tion and Reconstruction in the Proposed Twelve Year Program, " and
dated October 27, 1952, generally referred to as the "Yellow Book",
a copy of which document shall be signed on the front thereof by the
Chairman of the State Roads Commission and shall be filed with each
of the following: The Secretary of the State of Maryland, the Clerk
of the Court of Appeals of Maryland, the Department of Legislative
Reference of Maryland, and the secretary of the State Roads Com-
mission of Maryland. The Commission may, after advising and
conferring with the governing body of any county and the legislative
delegation from said county, change the priority of construction of
any project or transfer from one construction period to another any
project referred to in the afore-mentioned document, and the Com-
mission may also substitute after advising and conferring with the
governing body of any county and the legislative delegation of said
county any construction project listed in the afore-mentioned docu-
ment for any construction project or projects included in the docu-
ment prepared by the State Roads Commission entitled "State High-
way System Study—Including Sufficiency Rating" dated February
1, 1958 [; provided, ] generally referred to as the "Green Book". The
Commission may also, upon the written request of a majority of the
members of the governing body of any county and a majority of the
members of the legislative delegation from any county, substitute a
project not included in either of the above-mentioned documents for a
project included in the document generally referred to as the "Yellow
Book". Provided, however, any rescheduling of construction projects
shall be within the mileage limitations hereinabove provided in this
205A. (a) In order that the highways on the Interstate System may
be constructed or completed as rapidly as the use of Federal Inter-
state Funds permits, the program provisions contained in Section 201
and the mileage limitations and restrictions provided in Section 205
of this article shall not prohibit the Commission from completing the
Interstate system of highways as rapidly as funds for that purpose
are available.
(b) In cases where a primary highway carrying through traffic is
dualized or constructed sooner than proposed in the Yellow or Green
Books through any county, the Commission shall have the authority to
construct or improve the remaining projects scheduled in the Yellow
Book notwithstanding the mileage limitations provided in Section