EXHIBIT C—Continued
Loan and
Other Funds
Department of Employment Security........................................................
5, 535, 786. 54
5, 535, 786. 54
Maryland Port Authority............................................................................
3, 669, 003. 89
3, 669, 003. 89
Armory Loan of 1948..................................................................................
11, 996. 26
11, 996. 26
Civil Defense Loan of 1951........................................................................
190, 999. 45
190, 999. 45
General Public School Construction Loan of 1953................................
1, 491. 36
1, 491. 36
General Public School Construction Loan of 1956................................
4, 451, 271. 53
4, 451, 271. 53
General Construction Loan of 1949..........................................................
77, 160. 56
77, 160. 56
General Construction Loan of 1951..........................................................
48, 501. 70
48, 501. 70
General Construction Loan of 1952..........................................................
5, 154, 402. 70
5, 154, 402. 70
General Construction Loan of 1953..........................................................
587, 848. 06
587, 848. 06
General Construction Loan of 1954..........................................................
67, 877. 58
67, 877. 58
General Construction Loan of 1955..........................................................
455, 654. 91
455, 654. 91
General Construction Loan of 1956..........................................................
3, 209, 393. 00
3, 209, 393. 00
State Office Building Loan of 1956..........................................................
11, 265. 16
11, 265. 16
General Construction Loan of 1957..........................................................
6, 062, 029. 55
6, 062, 029. 55
Sewage Treatment Plant Loan of 1957....................................................
296, 597. 99
296, 597. 99
General Construction Loan of 1958..........................................................
2, 218, 394. 54
2, 218, 394. 54
Department of Employment Security Building Loan of 1958..............
2, 331, 192. 63
2, 331, 192. 63
Maryland Port Authority Loan of 1958....................................................
843. 50
843. 50
43, 966. 50
43, 966. 50
The New Marsh Wholesale Produce Market Authority Bond
Sinking Fund..........................................................................................
53, 333. 97
53, 333. 97
National Defense Student Loan Funds:
State Teachers College — Bowie..............................................................
957. 50
957. 50
State Teachers College — Frostburg........................................................
768. 00
768. 00
State Teachers College — Salisbury........................................................
375. 00
375. 00
State Teachers College — Towson............................................................
4, 129. 70
4, 129. 70
Coppin State Teachers College — Baltimore............................................
924. 00
924. 00
Morgan State College..............................................................................
11, 447. 00
11, 447. 00
Department of Budget and Procurement — Special Milk
Program Fund..........................................................................................
24, 490. 11
24, 490. 11
County Highway Construction Bonds, Fifth Series Fund........................
2, 657, 000. 00
2, 657, 000. 00
County Highway Construction Bonds, Fifth Series, Sinking Fund......
323, 065. 84
323, 065. 84
Baltimore Office Building Project Fund — Department of
Employment Security............................................................................
673, 506. 48
673, 506. 48