Victor Cullen State Hospital.............................................................
480, 945. 16
480, 945. 16
Henry ton State Hospital...................................................................
1, 180, 683. 69
1, 180, 683. 69
Pine Bluff State Hospital...................................................................
202, 552. 80
202, 552. 80
Miners Hospital.....................................................................................
333, 095. 78
125, 461. 42
207, 634. 36
Department of Mental Hygiene:
Department of Mental Hygiene — Headquarters.............................
452, 514. 29
452, 114. 29
400. 00
Crownsville State Hospital.................................................................
3, 894, 081. 72
3, 894, 035. 72
46. 00
Eastern Shore State Hospital...........................................................
...... 1, 319, 126. 72
1, 319, 126. 72
Rosewood State Training School.......................................................
...... 3, 874, 058. 43
3, 874, 058. 43
Springfield State Hospital.................................................................
5, 357, 420. 73
5, 324, 625. 55
30, 195. 18
2, 600. 00
Spring Grove State Hospital...............................................................
4, 441, 744. 99
4, 422, 630. 57
290. 00
18, 824. 42
State Department of Public Welfare:
State Department of Public Welfare — Headquarters and
Public Assistance...........................................................................
26, 233, 459. 32
11, 268, 534. 11
14, 964, 925. 21
Barrett School for Girls...................................................................
..... 266, 001. 44
263, 658. 33
2, 343. 11
Boys' Village of Maryland...............................................................
946, 546. 58
939, 170. 85
7, 375. 73
Maryland Training School for Boys.................................................
1, 066, 734. 59
1, 066, 734. 59
Montrose School for Girls.................................................................
408, 107. 65
388, 410. 17
19, 697. 48
Boys' Forestry Camp — Green Ridge.................................................
50, 022. 80
43, 647. 80
6, 375. 00
Boys' Forestry Camp — Lonaconing...................................................
61, 411. 06
50, 986. 06
10, 425. 00
Boys' Forestry Camp — New Germany...............................................
62, 599. 13
53, 399. 13
9, 200. 00
Maryland Children Center...................................................................
10, 206. 09
10, 206. 09
Maryland Veterans Commission.............................................................
121, 676. 00
121, 676. 00
Department of Correction:
Department of Correction — Headquarters.........................................
76, 243. 23
76, 243. 23
Patuxent Institution...........................................................................
794, 676. 74
794, 676. 74
Maryland House of Correction...........................................................
1, 749, 376. 96
1, 540, 586. 78
208, 790. 18
Maryland Penitentiary.......................................................................
1, 725, 789. 10
1, 658, 420. 32
66, 829. 98
538. 80
Maryland State Reformatory for Males...........................................
1, 459, 836. 42
1, 367, 250. 68
92, 585. 74
Maryland State Reformatory for Women.......................................
360, 371. 88
360, 371. 88
Maryland School for the Deaf...............................................................
378, 521. 68
378, 521. 68
Morgan State College...............................................................................
2, 649, 695. 80
1, 687, 760. 43
843 440. 76
85 148. 51
33. 346. 10
St. Mary's Seminary Junior College...................................................
297, 093. 25
191, 593. 12
92, 626. 90
12, 873. 23
State Department of Education:
State Department of Education — Headquarters...............................
875, 236. 32
807, 769. 90
42, 343. 92
25, 122. 50
Vocational Rehabilitation.................................................................
1, 055, 384. 93
415, 398. 14
639, 986. 79
Aid to Education.................................................................................
71, 365, 866. 99
57, 574, 351. 74
10, 925, 449. 84
2, 850, 599. 94
15, 465. 47
State Teachers College — Bowie.........................................................
486, 612. 75
385, 165. 91
91, 131. 34
10, 315. 50
State Teachers College — Frostburg...................................................
785, 899. 41
630, 244. 09
121, 319. 64
34, 335. 68
State Teachers College — Salisbury...................................................
540, 398. 63
451, 085. 10
66, 391. 17
22, 922. 36
State Teachers College — Towson.....................................................
1, 550, 352. 43
1, 205, 011. 16
282, 731. 52
62, 609. 75
Coppin State Teachers College — Baltimore...................................
285, 514. 13
271, 929. 89
13, 584. 24
Maryland Teachers Retirement System...........................................
12, 986, 343. 76
12, 986, 343. 76
State Aided Educational Institutions...............................................
1, 277, 908. 19
1, 277, 908. 19
Employment of the Physically Handicapped...................................
3, 483. 50
3, 483. 50
University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture...................
37, 071, 542. 95
16, 792, 407. 02
8, 492, 850. 87
1, 121, 614. 83
10, 664, 670. 23
Anatomy Board of Maryland.................................................................
2, 098. 88
2, 098. 88