registered as an apprentice with the State Board of Funeral Directors
and Embalmers of Maryland at the time he or she started to serve
his or her apprenticeship, then said applicant or applicants shall be
examined as to the proper sanitation and disinfection of the clothing
and bedding of persons dying from infections or contagious diseases
and the premises in which they shall have died; as to the laws o±
this State and the local laws of the residence of such deceased person
relative to burials and burial permits and the proper care, prepara-
tion for burial or shipment of dead human bodies, and on such other
subjects as the Board may deem necessary and proper, and if said
applicant or applicants shall pass said examinations, then said Board
shall issue to said applicant or applicants, upon the payment of the
fee of five dollars, a license to carry on said business of funeral
director in the State of Maryland up to and including the first of May
next succeeding the granting of said license, which license may be
renewed annually under the same terms and provisions as are pro-
vided in Sec. 345 of this sub-title, provided that nothing contained
herein shall apply to any registered apprentice of a licensed funeral
director acting under his or her supervision.
(a) In general. —No person holding a license to practice embalm-
ing in this State shall be permitted to continue said practice under
said license after the first day of May, 1943, unless such person,
prior to said date, shall file an application with the State Board of
Funeral Directors and Embalmers, upon forms to be provided by
said Board, for a renewal of said license. Upon the receipt of an
application for a renewal of license, as herein provided, accompanied
by an annual renewal fee of [five dollars ($5. 00)] twenty-five dollars
($25. 00), the said Board shall issue to said applicant a license to
practice embalming in this State, which said license shall show that
it expires on the first day of May next succeeding its issuance. Any
such license may be renewed annually upon the payment of the sum of
[five dollars ($5. 00)] twenty-five dollars ($25. 00) as an annual re-
newal fee, and upon the filing of the renewal application form herein
provided. Should any person, now or hereafter licensed to practice
embalming in this State, discontinue said practice after the first day
of May and fail to renew annually his license during the period in
which such practice is discontinued, as is herein provided, he shall
be entitled, if he desires to resume practice in this State at a later
date, to a renewal of his license upon the payment of the current
renewal fee, together with the application herein provided, and an
affidavit by said applicant that during the period in which no renewal
of his license had been issued, he had not practiced embalming in this
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1960.
Approved March 23, 1960.