(1957 Edition), title "Health", sub-title "Funeral Directors and
Embalmers", increasing certain fees applicable to funeral directors
and embalmers.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 345, 346 and 351 (a) of Article 43 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Health", sub-title "Funeral
Directors and Embalmers", be and they are hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
It shall be the duty of any person, copartnership or corporation now
licensed to carry on the business of funeral directing in the State of
Maryland at the time of the passage of this sub-title, to cause, within
sixty days after the passage of this sub-title, his, her, its or their
name or names, residence or place of business, to be registered with
the State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers of Maryland
whose secretary shall keep a book for that purpose. If such applica-
tion shall be made by a copartnership, the same shall state the names
and addresses of the persons composing such copartnership, and if
such application shall be made by a corporation, it shall state the
names and addresses of the officers and directors of said corporation,
and upon receipt of said application such persons, copartnerships
or corporations shall receive from the State Board of Funeral Di-
rectors and Embalmers of Maryland a license which shall authorize
the person, copartnership or corporation named therein to carry
on the business of funeral directing in the State of Maryland up to
and including the first day of May next succeeding the granting of
said license. Any such license may be renewed annually upon the
payment to the State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers of
Maryland of an annual renewal license fee of [ten] twenty-five dollars
by such person, copartnership or corporation to whom such license
shall have been issued. Such license shall be signed by the secretary
of the State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers of Maryland
and attested by its seal, and such licenses may be issued by the
secretary of said Board during the interim of the meetings of the said
Board upon proper application and the payment of such license fee
of [ten] twenty-five dollars.
Before any person shall hereafter engage in the business of funeral
directing in this State and before any person, copartnership or cor-
poration now so engaged in said business in this State, who shall
fail to register with said Board in accordance with Sec. 345 of this
sub-title, shall continue to carry on said business of funeral directing
in this State, such person, members of copartnership or corporation
shall apply to said Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers for
license to carry on the business of funeral directing, shall present
himself or herself before said Board at time and place to be fixed by
said Board and if the Board shall find, upon due examination and the
payment of an examination fee of [twenty-five] fifty dollars, that
the applicant or applicants are of good moral character, twenty-one
years of age, and free from habits liable to interfere with the per-
formance of the duties which he or she desires to perform, that said
applicant has had two years of practical experience as an apprentice
with a licensed funeral director in this State and as an apprentice
has assisted on not less than twenty funerals, and that he or she