972 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 584
The Governor shall designate one member of the Commission as
the chairman thereof, and he shall be the administrative and execu-
tive head of the Commission and shall have the final authority in all
matters relating to the assignment of cases for trial and the admin-
istrative work of the Commission and its employees, except in the
promulgation of rules and regulations wherein the Commission shall
act as a body, and in the trial and determination of cases, as herein-
after provided. The [other four] members are hereby vested with
authority to hear and determine any hearing, trial, inquiry or inves-
tigation which the Commission is authorized to hold or undertake;
and any one of such [other three] members can preside alone at any
such hearing, trial, inquiry and investigation, and every order and
determination made by one member shall be deemed to be the
order or determination of the Commission. The chairman shall only
sit on the trial of cases when, in his judgment, it is necessary to
expedite the trial work of the Commission. EXCEPT TO THE EX-
3. The chairman of the State Industrial Accident WORKMEN'S
COMPENSATION Commission of Maryland shall receive a salary
of [Six Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($6,500)] Fourteen
Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($14,500) per annum and each
of the other members shall receive a salary of [Six Thousand Dollars
($6,000)] Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000) per annum.
In addition to the salary provided in this section each Commis-
sioner shall be allowed his actual and necessary traveling and inci-
dental expenses.
5. The present employees of the Commission shall continue to
serve in their present positions and shall retain all of their rights
under Article 64A of the Annotated Code, title "Merit System." The
Chairman of the Commission shall have the power to make any
future appointments as are provided for in the Budget, which
appointments must be made in accordance with the provisions of
said Article 64A. The secretary and other assistants that may be
employed shall be entitled to receive their actual necessary expenses
while traveling on the business of the Commission. Such expenses
shall be itemized and sworn to by the person who incurred the
expense, and allowed by the Chairman of the Commission. The Chair-
man of the Commission shall keep and maintain its main office and
such branch offices as he shall deem proper and necessary for the
administration of this Article, and shall provide suitable rooms,
necessary office furniture, supplies, books, periodicals and maps for
the same. All necessary expenses shall be audited and paid out of
the appropriation in the State Treasury provided for in this Article.
The Commission shall provide itself with a seal for the authentica-
tion of its orders, awards and proceedings, upon which shall be
inscribed the words "[State Industrial Accident] Workmen's Com-
pensation Commission, State of Maryland—Official Seal."
Each member of the Commission and each person appointed to
office or employment by the Commission shall, before entering upon
the duties of his office or employment take and subscribe the consti-
tutional oath of office.