930 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 555
Peace shall have the power to hear cases concerning malicious
destruction where the damage is $50. or less and correcting obsolete
references therein and correcting obsolete citations therein.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 410 of the Charter and Public Local Laws of Baltimore
City (1949 Edition), title "Baltimore City", sub-title "Miscellaneous
Local Laws", sub-heading "Justices of the Peace and Constables",
being Article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland as
amended by Chapter 296 of the Acts of 1955, be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
410. Each of the said justice of the peace shall have power to
hear, try and determine the case of every person who may be arrested
and brought before him in the said City of Baltimore, charged with
the violation of Section [617] 666 of Article 27 of the Annotated
Code of [Public General Laws of 1939] Maryland (1951 Edition) title
"Crimes and Punishments", and to hear, try and determine the cases
of all persons arrested and brought before him charged with any
offense specified in Sections 749 to 752, inclusive, of this Article, or
in Sections 765 to 768, inclusive, of this Article; and to hear, try and
determine the cases of all persons brought before him charged with
the violation of Section [128] 42 of Article 27 of the Annotated Code
[(1947 Supplement),] of Maryland (1956 Supplement), or charged
with any disturbance of the public peace; and to hear, try and deter-
mine the cases of all persons brought before him charged with assault
or with assault and battery and to hear, try and determine the cases
of all persons arrested and brought before him charged with a viola-
tion of Section 119 of Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1956 Supplement) if the damage of the property amounts to Fifty
Dollars ($50.) or less; provided that no justice of the peace shall
impose any fine exceeding $1,000 or any term of imprisonment ex-
ceeding three years, in any case of assault, or assault and battery
committed upon any officer of the Department of Maryland State
Police or of the Police Department of Baltimore City, or any fine
exceeding $100 or any term of imprisonment exceeding one year, in
any case of assault, or assault and battery committed upon any
person other than such police officer, and to hear, try and determine
all charges of carrying concealed weapons and all violations of Sec-
tion [917] 44 of [this] Article 27 [(1938 Edition)] of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1951 Edition) and to hear, try and determine all
prosecutions or criminal proceedings for an act done or omitted to
be done in the City of Baltimore, the doing of which act, or the
omission to do which act, is or may be punishable under any Act of
Assembly of this State or under any ordinance of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, by pecuniary fine only, not exceeding One
Hundred Dollars; to hear, try and determine the cases of all persons
brought before him charged with the violation of laws relating to
hawkers and peddlers, and to hear, try and determine the cases of
all persons brought before him charged with the offense of indecent
exposure; to hear, try and determine the cases of all persons brought
before him for Sunday gaming, Sunday work, Sunday sales or
Sabbath-breaking; and to hear, try and determine the cases of all
persons brought before him charged with being a vagrant or with
being an habitually disorderly person (not insane). But it shall
be the duty of the said justice before proceeding to hear, try and
determine any of the charges aforesaid, to inform the party or