Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 809
and re-submit the same at any municipal election as well as at any
general election to be held in Baltimore City.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of sale of
the certificates of indebtedness hereby authorized to be issued, not
exceeding the par value thereof, shall be used for the acquisition, by
purchase, lease, gift, condemnation or any other legal means, of
land or property, or any rights therein, located in the area bounded
by Mt. Vernon Place, Cathedral Street, Centre Street and Charles
Street or Washington Place, including the closing of any public or
private alleys or streets situated within said area, and to establish,
develop, redevelop, construct, erect, furnish and equip, on or in the
aforesaid area regardless of whether or not the land and property in
said area is now owned or hereafter is acquired by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, a building or buildings or structure or
structures and facilities and appurtenances to be used for or in con-
nection with an art museum and gallery and any and all functions
and activities usually carried on in connection with the operation of
such an institution, including, but not limited to, the reconstruction,
enlargement, extension, improvement, alteration, renovation, modern-
ization and equipping of any and all buildings and structures now
located in the aforesaid area for or in connection with the establish-
ment and construction of the art museum and gallery contemplated
by the provisions hereof, and for architectural or engineering serv-
ices or surveys and designs and plans for said art museum and
gallery in its entirety, and for doing any and all things necessary,
proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of
the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore may, by ordinance or ordinances, authorize the
issuance of said certificates of indebtedness in series maturing at
stated periods, and may make payable annually a portion of the
principal of said certificates of indebtedness, and any portion or all
of said certificates of indebtedness may or may not be registered,
and said certificates of indebtedness, or any portion thereof, may or
may not have interest coupons attached; all as may be provided by
or under the authority of said ordinance or ordinances and said cer-
tificates of indebtedness when issued, shall bear interest at such rate
or rates as may be provided by or under the authority of said ordinance
or ordinances. If said certificates of indebtedness are issued in series
maturing at stated periods, and a portion of the principal is made
payable annually, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall
annually raise by taxation the amount of money required to meet the
interest and the portion of the principal payable in each year. If said
certificates of indebtedness are not issued in series, any premiums
realized above the par value of the whole amount of said certificates
of indebtedness shall constitute a part of the sinking fund created
for the purpose of paying the loan herein authorized. If said certifi-
cates of indebtedness are issued in series, the net premiums resulting
from the sale of the entire loan shall be placed to the credit of any
existing sinking funds established for the payment of any loans of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore may, by one ordinance, submit the whole of
this loan to the legal voters of Baltimore City at one time, or it may,