64 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 53
Hill certain real estate in the town of Snow Hill, Maryland, known
as "Makemie Hall."
Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of Worcester
County, a municipal corporation of Maryland, owns the real estate
hereinafter described, which was formerly used as a voting house,
and with the use of voting machines said property is no longer
required for county purposes, but the same is desired by the Mayor
and Council of Snow Hill, a municipal corporation of Maryland, for
its public purposes and the latter has offered to purchase said prop-
erty "and said County Commissioners of Worcester County is desir-
ous to accept said offer ;
Section 1. Be it enacted therefore by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Board of County Commissioners of Worcester
County, a municipal corporation of this State, be, and it is hereby
authorized and empowered to sell at private sale and convey unto
the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill, another municipal corporation of
this State in said Worcester County, in fee simple with special war-
ranty of title, at and for the sum of Three Thousand, One Hundred
Dollars ($3,100.00), all that lot or parcel of land, with the improve-
ments thereon, lying and being situate in the town of Snow Hill, in
said Worcester County, at the northwesterly corner formed by the
intersection of Market Street and Water Street in said town, having
a frontage of fifty-four (54) feet on Market Street and a frontage
of one hundred fifteen (115) feet, more or less, on Water Street, and
being all and the same property which was conveyed unto said
County Commissioners of Worcester County from The Rotary Club
of 'Snow Hill, in Worcester County, Maryland, et al., by deed dated
February 27, 1947, and recorded among the land records of Wor-
cester County, Maryland, in Liber C.W.N. No. 15, folios 277-279.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, as aforesaid, That this Act is
hereby declared to be an emergency measure and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public health and safety and having
been passed by a yea and nay vote, supported by three-fifths of all
the members elected to each of the two houses of the General Assem-
bly, the same shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 13, 1957.
(Senate Bill 180)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 294A of
Article 24 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930
Edition), title "Worcester County", sub-title "Sheriff", as said
section was enacted by Chapter 274 of the Acts of 1933 and
amended by Chapter 201 of the Acts of 1941, increasing the pay-
ment for boarding and keeping prisoners.
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.