Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 1691
1955, Ch. 48—St. Mary's County
Executive Department
Annapolis, Maryland
Governor's Proclamation Declaring the Results of the
Election of November 6, 1956, for Referendum
Whereas, under authority contained in Article 16 of the Constitu-
tion of Maryland, the Secretary of State was legally and duly peti-
tioned by the qualified voters of St. Mary's County, Maryland, to sub-
mit to the qualified voters of said County for their adoption or re-
jection at the election to be held on November 6, 1956, Chapter 48
of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1955; and
Whereas, the Secretary of State, acting under the authority con-
tained in said Article 16 of the Constitution of the State, did at said
election of November 6, 1956, so submit the said Act to the qualified
voters of St. Mary's County, Maryland; and
Whereas, from the returns of said election transmitted to me as
required by the provisions of Article 16 of the Constitution, it ap-
pears that :
For adoption of Chapter 48 aforesaid, 1,284 votes were cast and
against the adoption thereof, 1,874 votes were cast in said county
Now, Therefore, I, Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor of Mary-
land, do by this my Proclamation issued under the authority and
direction contained in said Article 16 of the Constitution, hereby
declare and proclaim that in St. Mary's County, Maryland, a major-
ity of the votes having been cast against the adoption of the said re-
ferred law, Chapter 48 of the Acts of 1955, the same has failed of
adoption and ratification and, therefore, under the provisions of
Article 16 of the Constitution, stands rejected by a majority of the
qualified voters of St. Mary's County.
Given Under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State of
Maryland, Done at the City of Annapolis, this 26th
(Great Seal day of November, In the Year of Our Lord, One
of the State Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Six,
of Maryland)
(s) Theodore R. McKeldin,
By the Governor.
(s) Blanchard Randall,
Secretary of State.