1668 Vetoes
Seminary equal to the number of election districts in St. Mary's
County. The appointments are to be made by the St. Mary's County
Board of Education, with the advice of the State Senator from that
County. Since there are nine election districts in St. Mary's County,
this would mean nine additional free scholarships. No funds for this
item have been provided in the budget, nor does Senate Bill 618 pro-
vide any method to pay for these scholarships. I believe that this
is an unwise, unnecessary, and probably unconstitutional, addition
to the free scholarship load now carried by the State of Maryland.
It should also be noted that the Bill possibly accomplishes unin-
tentionally a purpose not in keeping with previously expressed legis-
lative intent. By a series of legislative enactments, commencing in
1933, provision has been made for Senatorial appointments to free
scholarships at various schools, including St. Mary's Female Seminary
(see Section 273 of Article 77 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1951 Ed.)). These enactments, in general terms, repealed incon-
sistent appointing provisions, such as that in Section 252 of Article
77 of the Annotated Code, whereby local school authorities made the
appointments. Senate Bill 618, in re-enacting the provisions of Sec-
tion 252 for local School Board appointments to St. Mary's Female
Seminary, may well reinstate this method of appointment in prefer-
ence to any Senatorial appointments at this school. For all of which
reasons, I have vetoed Senate Bill 618.
(s) Theodore R. McKeldin,
Senate Bill No. 648—Clams in Kent County
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 663B (b)
of Article 66C of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1956 Sup-
plement) , title "Natural Resources", sub-title "Oysters and Clams",
and to add new Sections 663C and 665 (n) to said Article and
sub-title of the Code (1951 Edition and 1956 Supplement), to
follow immediately after Sections 663B and 665 (m) thereof re-
spectively; providing for the dredging of soft shell clams in the
waters of Kent County; providing for the adoption and promulga-
tion by the Commission of Tidewater Fisheries of rules and regu-
lations to govern the soft shell clam industry and its operations;
providing for licenses and fees therefor to dredge soft shell clams;
providing for the imposition of a tax per bushel on all soft shell
clams taken or caught; providing for certain restricted areas and
times for the taking of said clams; and providing further for penal-
ties for violations of these sections and of the rules and regulations
of the Commission of Tidewater Fisheries; and relating generally
to the taking or catching of soft shell clams in Kent County.