Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 1513
to time the Commission may deem necessary to carry out the pro-
visions of this sub-title. The annual salary of each of said Commis-
sioners shall be determined by the Board of County Commissioners
of St. Mary's County, but said annual salary for the Chairman shall
not exceed $1,200.00, and that of the other members shall not exceed
$900.00, and shall be payable quarterly. The Secretary-Treasurer
appointed by the Commission shall be the collector of all charges and
assessments made by the Commission, and shall receive and account
for all moneys which shall be due and payable to said Commission
from any source whatsoever. All moneys deposited shall be pro-
tected by a depository bond, or by such other securities as may be
approved by the said Commission. The Secretary-Treasurer shall
give bond to the State of Maryland to the amount of $10,000 with a
good and sufficient surety to be approved by the said Commissioners,
with the condition "that if the above bounden........................... shall
well and faithfully execute his office and shall account to the said
Commission for all moneys which he shall receive for account of
the Commission, or be answerable for by law, then the said obliga-
tion to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect."
The said bond, when approved, shall be recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for St. Mary's County; and the person so
appointed, before entering upon the duties of his office shall take an
oath before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county, in form
similar to that taken by collectors of taxes, except as to the title of
the office. The Commission is hereby empowered to pay the pre-
miums on all bonds. All checks issued by said Commission shall be
countersigned by the Chairman. The said Commission shall annually
have its accounts audited by a certified public accountant, to be
selected by said Commission, and paid by said Commission, and pub-
lish a full, true and itemized account, under oath, of its receipts and
disbursements in a newspaper published in said county.
176. The members of said Commission shall be a body corporate,
by the name of the "St. Mary's County Metropolitan Commission"
(referred to elsewhere in this Act as "the Commission"), with the
right to use a common seal, to sue and be sued, and to do any and all
other corporate acts for the purpose of carrying out the provisions
of this sub-title. Whenever it shall be deemed necessary by said
Commission to take or acquire any land, structure or buildings, or
any stream bed, waterway, water rights, or watershed, either in fee
or as an easement, within or outside of St. Mary's County, for the
construction, extension or maintenance of any water main, sewer or
appurtenance thereof, or any sewage treatment plant, reservoir,
water treatment plant, storage tank or pumping station, or for the
execution by the Commission of any other power or function vested
in it by this Act, said Commission may purchase the same from the
owners, or failing to agree with the owner or owners thereof, may
condemn the same by proceedings in the Circuit Court for the county
in which said land, structures or buildings, stream bed, waterway,
water rights or watershed is located, as are provided for condemna-
tion of land by public service corporations in the Public General Laws
of Maryland, now or hereafter in effect, and said Commission may
likewise condemn the interest of any tenant, lessee or other person
having any right or interest in said land, structures or buildings,
stream bed, waterway, water rights or watershed. At any time
after ten days after the return and recordation of the verdict or
award in said proceedings, the Commission may enter and take