Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 1409
(b) Origin of alfalfa, red clover, orchard grass, white clover, and
field corn (except hybrid corn). If the original is unknown, that
fact shall be stated.
(c) Lot number or other identification.
(d) Percentage by weight of agricultural seeds other than those
required to be named on the label.
(e) Percentage by weight of inert matter.
(f) Percentage by weight of all weed seeds.
(g) The name and approximate number of each kind of restricted
noxious weed seeds, per ounce in Group 1 and per pound in Group 2
when present singly or collectively in any amounts whatsoever, pro-
vided, however, that the amount does not exceed 16 per ounce in
Group 1 and 16 per pound in Group 2.
Group 1: Agropyron spp., Agrostis spp., alfalfa, Bermuda grass,
Brassica spp., orchard grass, alsike and white clover, crimson clover,
Dallis grass, fescues, flax, foxtail millet, lespedezas, poa spp., red
clover, reed canary grass, Rhodes grass, ryegrass, sweet clover,
smooth brome, timothy, and other agricultural seeds of similar size
and weight, or mixtures within this group.
Group 2: Barley, buckwheat, oats, proso, rye, sorghums, Sudan
grass, vetches, wheat, and other agricultural seeds of a size and
weight similar to or greater than those within this group, or any
mixtures within this group.
All determinations for purity, germination and noxious weed seeds
are subject to the tolerances and methods of determination pre-
scribed in the rules and regulations promulgated under this sub-title.
(h) For each named agricultural seed (1) Percentage of germina-
tion, exclusive of hard seed, (2) percentage of hard seed, if present,
and (3) the calendar month and year the test was completed to
determine such percentages. Following (1) and (2) the additional
statement "Total germination and hard seed" may be stated as such,
if desired. Provided, that if such a total of (1) and (2) is stated,
the total shall be subject to whatever tolerance would apply to a
percentage of germination of like magnitude.
(i) Name and address of the person who labeled said seed, or
who sells, or offers or exposes said seed for sale within this State.
151. Each container of vegetable seeds which is sold, offered for
sale, exposed for sale, or transported within this State for planting
purposes shall bear thereon or have attached thereto in a conspicuous
place a plainly written or printed label or tag in the English lan-
guage, except when the scientific name is the commonly accepted,
name, giving the following information:
(a) For containers of one pound or more—
(1) Lot number or other lot identification.
(2) Name of kind and variety of seed.
(3) Percentage of germination, exclusive of hard seed.
(4) Percentage of hard seed, if present.