1382 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 762
gether with such other psychiatrists, psychologists, social service
workers and sociologists, physicians, administrative officers, cus-
todians, clerks and other officers and employees as may be provided
in the Budget from time to time. Except as otherwise provided here-
in, the salaries of all officers and employees in the Institution shall
be as provided in the Budget.
4. (c) The Board of Correction is authorized in its discretion to
transfer into the Patuxent Institution any person sentenced to or
confined in the Maryland Penitentiary, the Maryland House of Cor-
rection, the Maryland State Reformatory for Males or the Maryland
State Reformatory for Women. Such transfer may be made at any
time the Board, in its discretion, determines that it would improve
discipline or aid in the safekeeping, treatment, training, employment
or rehabilitation of such person. The Board shall issue its warrant
for such transfer to the warden of the institution in which the said
person is then confined, or to the custodial officer having him, or her,
in custody, and such warrant shall be authority for the said transfer.
The Chief of the Diagnostic Clinic shall accept for study any such
person so transferred into the institution, and the clinic shall there-
upon make such diagnosis of the condition of such person as to it
shall seem necessary. If the clinic or the basis of such study shall
determine for any reason that the said person is not a proper person
to be given custody or treatment in the institution, it shall return
the said person to the penal institution in which he, or she, was last
confined, or to the custodial officer having him, or her, in custody, and
the warden or other custodial officer shall accept the said person
under the terms and conditions by which he, or she, was originally
committed or transferred thereto. Provided, however, that the said
person shall be returned to the penal institution or to the custodial
officer with full credit for such time as he has already spent in the
institution for defective delinquents or elsewhere within the custody
of the Department of Correction including such allowances (or dis-
allowances) relating to good behavior and/or work performed as the
Board of Correction may determine under the provisions of Section
776 of Article 27 of the Code (1951 Edition as amended from time
to time).
7. (a) (Examination.) Any such examination shall be made by
at least three persons on behalf of the institution for defective de-
linquents, one of whom shall be a medical physician, one a psychia-
trist, and one a psychologist. They shall assemble all pertinent in-
formation about the person to be examined, before proceeding there-
with, including a complete statement of the crime for which he has
been sentenced, the circumstances of such crime, the Court in which
he was sentenced, the nature of the sentence, copies of any probation
or other reports which may have been made about him, and reports
as to his social, physical, mental and psychiatric condition and his-
tory. On the basis of all the assembled information, plus their own
personal examination and study of the said person, they shall deter-
mine whether in their opinion, or in the opinion of a majority of
them, the said person is or is not a defective delinquent. They shall
state their findings in a written report addressed to the Court. If
the substance of the report is that the said person is not a defective
delinquent, he shall be [returned forthwith to] retained in the cus-
tody of the Department of Correction [on the original criminal con-
viction, and he shall begin or resume his period of confinement on