1310 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 739
shall be paid by the County Commissioners of the counties and by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, respectively.
263. Registration. All Absentee Residents, properly registered
under this sub-title, shall, after their registration as in this sub-title
provided, be entitled to vote either under this sub-title or in person
in the same manner and to the same extent as may persons regis-
tering under the sections of this Article comprising the sub-title
264. Liberal Construction. The provisions of this sub-title shall
be construed liberally in order to effectuate its purposes.
265. Compensation of Supervisors. Whenever the provisions of
this sub-title are enforced at any election the Supervisors of Elec-
tions of Baltimore City shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the
compensation now paid to them, the further sum of $200 each for
every such election, and the Supervisors of Elections of the several
counties, and their respective Clerks, in addition to the compensa-
tion now allowed them, shall each be entitled to receive such addi-
tional sum for services actually rendered in the performance of their
duties under this sub-title as shall be allowed by the County Com-
missioners of the several counties, but in no event less than $10
per diem for such services. The Supervisors of Elections of Balti-
more City and of the several counties shall be allowed such further
sum for expenses and clerical hire in the performance of the duties
imposed upon them by this sub-title as may be reasonable and neces-
sary. All said expenses shall be paid by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore and the County Commissioners of the several counties
respectively, in precisely the same way as compensation and similar
election expenses are now provided to be paid by law.
266. Penalties. Any person who shall wilfully sign any false appli-
cation or oath, and any person who shall wilfully do any act contrary
to the terms and provisions of this sub-title with intent to cast an
illegal vote or to aid another in so doing, and any person who shall
in any way wilfully violate any of the provisions of this sub-title,
and any person who shall fail or refuse to perform any duty imposed
upon him by the provisions of this sub-title, and any person who
shall apply for a ballot under any other name than his own, shall
upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) or be sentenced to the peni-
tentiary for not more than two years, or be sentenced to both fine and
imprisonment in the discretion of the court. In all other respects the
penalties provided in this Article shall apply.
267. Legislative Intent. The object of this sub-title is to provide
that absentee residents of Baltimore City, as herein defined, at the
time of any municipal primary or general election, as provided for
in Section 62 of this Article and in Section 17 of the Charter and
Public Local Laws of Baltimore City (1949 Edition), shall be given
the right and every possibility to register and vote by mail in any
such municipal primary or general election, to the fullest extent
permitted by the Constitution of this State.