1078 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 664
empties into Chester River and from thence with the center line of
Kent Narrows and the center line of Prospect Bay to the Talbot
County line; and running from thence with the Talbot County line
to the point where the lines of Anne Arundel, Talbot and Queen Anne's
Counties intersect; and running thence by and with the Anne Arundel
County line to the place of beginning.
222F. (Fifth Election District). The boundary lines of the Fifth
Election District of Queen Anne's County shall run as follows: Be-
ginning with the point in Chester River which bears 44 degrees east
(magnetic) from the middle of Kent Narrows Highway bridge;
and running thence to the point where the center line of Kent Narrows
empties into Chester River and from thence with the center line of
Kent Narrows and the center line of Prospect Bay to the Talbot
County line; and running thence by and with the Talbot County line
to Wye Mills; thence with the center line of Maryland Route No. 662
and the center line of U. S. Route No. 213 to the point where the latter
road is intersected by Madam Alice's Branch, sometimes known as
Madam Ailsie's Branch; thence in a generally northwesterly direction
in a straight line to a point on the head waters of Brown's or Reed's—
Tanyard Branch where a concrete monument is to be placed; running
thence down and with the center line of Brown's or Reed's—Tanyard
Branch and by and with the center line of Reed's Creek to the point
where the same intersects the Kent County line in the middle of the
Chester River; thence by and with the Kent County line and the center
of the Chester River to the place of beginning.
223. (Precincts of Fifth Election District). The Fifth Election
District of Queen Anne's County shall be divided into two separate
Election Precincts, to be divided and designated as follows: (1) By
a line beginning at a point on the Queen Anne's County—Talbot
County line in the middle of Wye River, west of Bordley Point and
running thence by and with the center of the West Branch of Wye
River to the mouth of Dividing Cove and running thence by and with
the center line of the North Branch of Dividing Cove to the head
thereof and running thence in a straight line to the head of Walsey
Creek, sometimes known as Blunt's Creek, and running thence by and
with the center of said creek to the mouth thereof and thence in a
northwesterly direction in a straight line to the point where said line
intersects the Queen Anne's County—Kent County line in the middle
of Chester River. (2) That part of said Fifth Election District lying
East of said line shall be Precinct Number One and that portion
thereof lying West of said line shall be Precinct Number Two.
224. (Sixth Election District). The boundary lines of the Sixth
Election District of Queen Anne's County shall run as follows: Be-
ginning at the point in Queen Anne where the Caroline County, Talbot
County and Queen Anne's County lines join and running thence by
and with the Caroline County line to the point where the same inter-
sects Maryland Route No. 313, thence by and with Maryland Route
313 to the point where the same is intersected by the Charles Walls
Road, thence by and with the Charles Walls Road, or County Road No.
10 in the Second Election District, to the point where the same inter-
sects Maryland Route No. 305; thence by and with Maryland Route
No. 305 IN a southwesterly direction to the point where the same
intersects the Clark Corners Road and running thence by and with the