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Session Laws, 1957
Volume 640, Page 1077   View pdf image (33K)
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Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor                    1077

line of the Robinson, or County Road No. 22 in the Third Election
District, to Maryland Route No. 305; thence in an easterly direction
with Maryland Route No. 305 to the point where the same intersects
the center line of the Carville Lane Road at Carville; thence by and
with the center line of the Carville Lane Road, or County Road No.
21 in the Third Election District, to the point where the same inter-
sects Maryland Route No. 304; running from thence in a straight
line to the point where Maryland Route No. 303 and the Grange Hall
Road intersect at Starr; thence with the center line of Maryland Route
No. 303 in a southeasterly direction to the point where the same in-
tersects the center line of the Willoughby-Starr Road; thence with the
center line of the Willoughby-Starr Road, or County Road No. 15 in
the Third Election District, to the point where the same intersects
Maryland Route No. 404 and the Talbot County line at Willoughby;
thence with the Talbot County line to the point where the same is in-
tersected by the center line of Maryland Route No. 662 at Wye Mills;
thence with the center line of Maryland Route No. 662 and the center
line of U. S. Route No. 213 to the point where the latter road is in-
tersected by Madam Alice's Branch, sometimes known as Madam
Ailsie's Branch; thence in a generally northwesterly direction in a
straight line to a point on the head waters of Brown's or Reed's

Tanyard Branch where a concrete monument is to be placed; running
thence down and with the center line of Brown's or Reed's
Branch and by and with the center line of Reed's Creek to the point
where the same intersects the Kent County line in the middle of the
Chester River; thence by and with the Kent County line and the center
of the Chester River to the place of beginning.

222D. (Precincts of Third Election District). The Third Election
District of Queen Anne's County shall be divided into two precincts,
Precinct No. 1 and Precinct No. 2; the dividing line between the said
precincts shall be as follows: Beginning for the said dividing line in
the center of U. S. Route No. 213 where the same is intersected by
Granny Finley Branch on the dividing line between the Second and
Third Election Districts and running from thence by and with the
center line of said U. S. Route No. 213 to the Town of Centreville;
thence continuing with the same and the center line of Commerce
Street of said Town to the intersection of Broadway and Commerce
Street; thence in a northwesterly direction with the center line of
Broadway to the point of intersection of Broadway and Liberty
Street; thence with the center line of Liberty Street in a southwest-
erly direction and continuing with the center line of said U. S. Route
No. 213 and the center line of Maryland Route No. 662 to the Talbot
County line at Wye Mills.

The portion of said Third Election District lying west of said line
shall be Precinct No. 1 and the portion thereof lying east of said line
shall be Precinct No. 2.

222E. (Fourth Election District). The Fourth Election District
consisting of Kent Island and small outlying islands, shall be bounded
as follows: Beginning for the same in the center of Chesapeake Bay
where the lines of Anne Arundel, Kent and Queen Anne's Counties
intersect, and running thence with the line of Kent County to a point
in the middle of the Chester River which bears North 44 degrees east
(magnetic) from the middle of the Kent Narrows Highway bridge;
and running thence to the point where the center line of Kent Narrows


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Session Laws, 1957
Volume 640, Page 1077   View pdf image (33K)
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