Special Session
March 1958
At a Special Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun
and held in the City of Annapolis, on the thirteenth day of
March, 1958, the Honorable Theodore R. McKeldin, being
Governor of the State, the following laws were enacted, to
(Senate Bill 1)
AN ACT to authorize the use of certain funds from the monies cred-
ited to the account of the State of Maryland in the Unemployment
Trust Fund, together with certain other monies to be transferred
thereto, such monies to be available for the purchase of real prop-
erty and/or the purchase or erection of a building or buildings
thereon for the use of the Department of Employment Security
of Maryland and relating generally to the use of such Fund and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Executive Director of the Department of Employment
Security is hereby authorized to withdraw the sum of $1,728,542.16
from the monies credited to the account of the State of Maryland in
the Unemployment Trust Fund under the provisions of the Federal
Employment Security Administrative Financing Act of 1954, being
c. 657,68 Stat. 668, approved August 5, 1954; together with such
monies as are credited to such account under the provisions of the
Federal Employment Security Administrative Financing Act of 1954
as of July 1, 1958, not to exceed $1,000,000.00, and such monies as are
credited to such account under the provisions of the Federal Employ-
ment Security Administrative Financing Act of 1954 as of July 1,
1959, not to exceed $1,000,000.00. Such monies are available for with-
drawal and expenditure in accordance with Section 2 hereof; pro-
vided that the amount of money which the Executive Director of the
Department of Employment Security shall use from the funds pro-
vided under this Act in any fiscal year shall not exceed the amount
by which (1) the aggregate of the amounts credited to the account
of the State pursuant to Section 903 of the Social Security Act, as
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.