Walters, Antonelli, Bartos, Behounek, Hedrick, Mach, Urban. Acker, Brooks, Buffing-
ton, Culotta, Kenney, McNeal, Abramson, Cole, Friedman, Hatchett, Pollack. Cardin,
Fitzgerald, Mandel, Silver, Baynes, Corrigan, Hodges, Meyers (W. W.), Myers (W. J.),
Berkson, Bloom, Brewer, Huyett, Porter, Browning, Gude, Lee, Schweinhaut, Wood-
ward, Berry, Cook, Driscoll, Hughes (G. R.), Williams, Reed, Barnes, Hahn, Six, Smith,
Brown, Murray, Hanna, White, Ashby, Edwards, Glotfelty. Total—110
Senate Bill No. 6—By Senator Phoebus:
A Bill entitled "An Act to add two new sub-sections to Section 288 of
Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title
'Revenue and Taxes', sub-title 'Income Tax', one of said new sub-sections
to be known as Sub-section (c-1) and to follow immediately after Sub-
section (c) thereof and the other of said new sub-sections to be known
as Sub-section (j) and to follow immediately after Sub-section (i) thereof;
to add two new sub-sections to Section 289 of said Article and sub-title,
to be known as Sub-sections (f-1) and (f-2) and to follow immediately
after Sub-section (f) thereof; and to repeal and re-enact, with amend-
ments, Sub-section (g) of Section 289 of said Article and sub-title, pro-
viding for an increase of the tax on ordinary income of individuals and
the first $500.00 of net investment income of individuals; relating to
apportionment of tax of individuals where the taxpayer's taxable year is
a fiscal year, and providing optional methods of computation for indi-
vidul taxpayers."
Approved by the Rules Committee and referred to the Committee on
Ways and Means.
On motion of Mr. Boone, duly seconded and two-thirds of the members-
elect voting in the affirmative, the rules were suspended by yeas and nays
as follows for the purpose of reporting Senate Bill No. 7.
Speaker, Combs, Raley, Harris (R. B.), Joiner, Ridout, Tawney, Wade, Whitmore,
Dowell, Hance, Parran, Boone, Culver, Jackson, Maguire, Staten, Harrison, Latham,
Lowe, Quinn, Riggin, Simpkins, Adams, Bennett, Brinsfield, Corkran, Burkley, Mackie,
McCool, Loveless, Machen, Nichols, Sasscer, Sickles, Wilkinson, Eaton, Risley, Hick-
man, Polk, Stevens, Harris (S. F.), Payne, Smelser, Virts, Utterback, Hatem, Hess,
Moore, Tydings, Blades, Hughes (H.), Dabrowski, Milanicz, Mrozinski, Nowakowski,
Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Bartos, Behounek, Hedrick, Mach, Urban, Acker, Brooks,
Buffington, Culotta, Kenney, McNeal, Abramson, Cole, Friedman, Hatchett, Pollack,
Cardin, Fitzgerald, Mandel, Silver, Baynes, Corrigan, Hodges, Meyers (W. W.), Myers
(W. J.), Berkson, Bloom, Brewer, Huyett, Porter, Browning, Gude, Lee, Schweinhaut,
Woodward, Berry, Cook, Driscoll, Hughes (G. R.), Williams, Reed, Barnes, Hahn, Six,
Smith, Brown, Murray, Hanna, White, Ashby, Edwards, Glotfelty. Total—111
Senate Bill No. 7—By Senator Phoebus:
A Bill entitled "An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 325 of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edi-
tion) title 'Revenue and Taxes', sub-title 'Retail Sales Tax Act', to increase
the rate of the retail sales tax; and to repeal and re-enact, with amend-
ments, Section 373 of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition), title 'Revenue and Taxes', sub-title 'Maryland Use Tax', to in-
crease the rate of the use tax; and to repeal and re-enact, with amend-
ments, Section 326 (g) of said Article and sub-title to provide that the