CHAP. 53.
Authorised to hold
and enjoy her
right of dower, &c.
whereas it is reasonable that the said Elizabeth Howard should
enjoy her dower in the same; therefore,
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Elizabeth Howard, widow of Thomas W.Howard, late of' Mont-
gomery county, be and she is hereby authorised to have, take, and
hold and enjoy, such right of dower and estate in all the lands ly-
ing in Montgomery county, of which the said Thomas W. Howard
was seized in equitable estate at the time of his death, as she might
or could do if the said Thomas W. Howard had died seized of an
estate in fee simple in the same, any law to the contrary notwith-
standing; Provided, that this law shall not be construed to affect
any contracts made by the said Thomas W. Howard, for or concern-
ing the said land, or to affect the right creditors.
Passed Jan 14, 1820
State's right to
land relinquished
An Act to make valid the title of Risdon Nicholson, and Millicent Nicholson,
of Kent County, to a certain Lot of Land therein mentioned.
Whereas, it has been represented to this general assembly, that
a certain Benjamin Nicholson, a man of colour, of Kent county,
was, at the time of his death, seized in fee in a certain lot of land
lying and being in Kent county, and state of Maryland, as by a
reference to a deed made by a certain John Boyd to the said Ben-
jamin Nicholson, and duly enrolled among the records of Kent coun-
ty, on the sixteenth day of February in the year one thousand eight
hundred and thirteen, will more fully appear; and it being further
represented to the satisfaction of this general assembly, that the
said Benjamin Nicholson left two children, the said Risdon Ni-
cholson and Millicent Nicholson, but that by reason of the said
Benjamin Nicholson not having been legally married, as is gene-
rally the case with that unfortunate class of citizens, his children,
the said Risdon Nicholson and Millicent Nicholson, cannot inherit
the said lot of land, and that the same is liable to escheat; there-
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland. That all
the right of the state to the said lot of land is hereby relinquished,
and that all the right, title and interest, which the said Benjamin
Nicholson had in the lot aforesaid, is hereby vested in the said Ris-
don Nicholson and Millicent Nicholson, and their heirs or assigns;
Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed
to affect the right acquired by any other person or persons in and
to the property aforesaid before the passage of this act.
Passed Jan 14 1820
Keeper to receive
persons sentenced
oy courts of the U.
S. in penitentiary.
An Act delating to the Confinement of persons convicted in the Courts of the
United States tor the District of Maryland, in the Penitentiary of this State.
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it
shall and may be lawful for the keeper of the penitentiary, to re-
ceive into his custody, and put to labour, any person or persons
who may hereafter be sentenced to imprisonment therein by the
courts of the United States in and for the District of Maryland, on
condition that he be paid towards the support of said institution the
sum of thirty cents per diem for the time the said prisoner shall re-
main in custody, which prisoner shall be subjected to the same laws
and discipline whilst there, to which other convicts from the state
courts are subjected.