the said court shall consider proper For his trouble and fidelity in
the execution of the said trust; Provided always, that nothing here
in contained shall be construed to affect the title of any person:
claiming the land within mentioned, or any part thereof.
CHAP. 41.
chap. xlii.
An Act for the Relief of William M. Beall, Sheriff of Frederick County.
Whereas William M. Beall, Sheriff of Frederick county, by his
petition hath represented to this general assembly, that a certain
George Campbell was presented and convicted in Frederick county
court for an assault, and fined forty dollars by the said court, which
said fine not being able to pay, he was committed to jail, after a
confinement therein for a few months, he, together with two other
persons, broke the said jail, and made their escape, without any
neglect or default on the part of the said William M. Beall, or his
officers, therefore,
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
said William M. Beall be and he is hereby released from the pay
ment of the said fine.
Passed Jan 11, 1820
Released from
payment of fine
An Additional Supplement Co the act, entitled, An act for founding an Academy
at Hagers-Town, in Washington County.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
trustees of the Hagers-Town Academy shall have full power, and
they are hereby authorised, to execute and acknowledge conveyan-
ces of any real estate heretofore sold by the trustees of said made
my, and not conveyed to the purchasers thereof, and the said con-
veyances shall have the same force and effect in law, to secure sail
real estate to the purchaser thereof, as if the said trustees had been
empowered by law to sell and convey the same when it was sold.
Passed Jan 11, 1820
Trustees may ac-
knowledge con-
veyances of any
real estate
An Act extending the time for taking the Bond of the Sheriff of Calvert County
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall
and may be lawful for the judges of the orphans court of Calvert
county, or any two of them, either in or out of court, to take and
approve of the sheriff's bond of said county at any time before the
first day of February nest; and the said bond, when so taken and
approved of, shall have the same force, effect and operation, to all
intents and purposes, as if the same had been so taken and approv-
ed of within the time limited by law, any act to the contrary not-
Passed Jan 11, 1820
Judges of orphans
court to take she-
riff's bond
An Act for the benefit of Rachel Weems, of Anne-Arundel County.
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, by the pe-
tition of Rachel Weems, that sometime since she intermarried
with a certain John Weems of Richard, of the county aforesaid,
who in his lifetime purchased of Thomas Tillard, of said county,
a tract of land lying on the Patuxent river in said county, contain-
ing about two hundred and eighty-nine acres, to which the said
John Weems obtained no legal title, in consequence, whereof the
said Rachel is not entitled to dower therein, although it appears
from the affidavit of Captain Theophilus Norman, and the certifi-
Passed Jan 10 1820