CHAP. 175
Their allowance
issue his warrant, upon the information of said constable, or any
other person, on oath or affirmation, to apprehend such owner, to
be taken before some justice of the peace for the county, and com-
pelled to enter into recognizance for his appearance at the next
county court, there to be proceeded against by indictment, and upon
conviction or confession thereof, to be fined by the court a sum not
exceeding sixty dollars for every such offence, one half to the con-
stable aforesaid, or such other person as shall prosecute for the
same, and the other half to be applied to the use of the county.
2. And be it enacted, That the constables so as aforesaid to be ap-
pointed shall, for the discharge of the duties imposed on them by this
act, to be verified upon oath, be allowed each a sum of money not
exceeding sixteen dollars, in the discretion of the respective levy
courts, to be levied, collected and paid over, as other county
charges are levied, collected and paid.
Passed Feb 14 1820
Treasurer autho-
rised to pay
An Act for the Payment of the Journal of Accounts.
Whereas it appears by the journal of accounts of this session,
that there is due from this state the sum of thirty-five thousand
five hundred and forty-one dollars and eighty-six and three quarter
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised
and required, to pay the several persons, their executors, admini-
strators, assigns or orders, or to such of them as shall offer to re-
ceive the same, the several sums of current money allowed to
them respectively, as they appear to be settled and ascertained by
the said journal of accounts, out of any money now in the treasu-
ry, or that shall come into the treasury, subject to the appropria-
tion of the general assembly.
Passed Feb 14 1820
Property to be re-
Present commissi-
oners authorised
to carry this act
into effect
Executors, &c
failing to inform
of any transfer of
property, &c to
be liable for tax
chap. clxxvii.
An Act for the Revaluation of Real and Personal Property in Montgomery County,
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
present commissioners of the tax of Montgomery county, be and
they are hereby authorised and required, to meet at Rockville in said
county as soon as may be practicable after the passage of this act,
and there proceed to revalue and reassess the real and personal pro-
perty in the said county, agreeably to the provisions of an act,
passed at. November session eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled,
An act for the valuation of real and personal property in the seve-
ral counties of this state.
2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners of the tax for
Montgomery county, are hereby authorised and empowered to car-
ry into full effect and operation all the provisions of this act, as
well as the aforesaid act of eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled,
An act for the valuation of real and personal property in the seve-
ral counties of this state.
3. And be it enacted, That if any executor or administrator shall
hereafter fait to inform the commissioners of the tax of the trans-
fer of any property belonging to any deceased person, of whom he
or she may be executor or administrator, the said executor or ad-
ministrator shall be liable for the tax on the same, until the com-
missioners of the tax shall be properly notified of such transfer.