2. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any
person to cause a warrant to be issued against the owner or owners
of any swine, that at any time after the first day of May, eighteen
hundred and nineteen, may be found running at large at said point,
and the said owner or owners thereof shall be subject to a fine of
one, dollar in each and every case that may occur, to be recovered
before any single magistrate in the county of Talbot, which said
fine shall be paid over to the informer in every instance.
CHAP. 165.
Owners of swine
running at large
may be warranted
and fined.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the speedy re-
covery of small debts out of Court, and to repeal the Acts
of Assembly therein mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from henceforth, in any case of appeal from the decision of a jus-
tice of the peace, to the county court, whole two summonses against
the appellee, shall be returned non est, or one attachment returned
non est, and the said appellee shall not appear according to the te-
nor of the second summons, the court may proceed to hear and de-
termine such case, in the same manner as if the appellee had regu-
larly appeared, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
2. And be it enacted, That if any justice of the peace in this
state shall be convicted in the court of the county where the fact
may be committed, of granting hereafter blank warrants or execu-
tions, under his hand, to any constable or party, he shall be fined
by the court a sum not less than one hundred dollars, and not ex-
ceeding four hundred.
3. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this act,
no appeal, from the judgment of a justice of the peace to the coun-
ty court, shall be dismissed, because the same had not been prayed
to the county court next after the rendition of such judgment, un-
less the court shall be satisfied that the appellant had notice of
such judgment at least ten days before the sitting of the said coun-
ty court.
4. And be it enacted, That the provisions of the second section
of this act shall not commence or take effect until the first day of
June next.
Passed Feb 11 1819
In appeals from a
justice of the
peace, &c county
courts may pro-
ceed to hear and
determine case
Penalty on .justices
granting blank
warrants or exe-
cutions, &c.
Appeals from a
justice not to be
dismissed because
the same had not
been prayed to
court next after
rendition of judg-
Provisions of se-
cond section not
to commence
until first of June
An act for introducing a copious supply of Water into the
Town of Williamsport.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a company be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body
politic, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, and that the said
body politic shall be known and distinguished by the appellation of
The President and Directors of the Williamsport Water Company,
and shall have full and ample power and authority to do, perform
and execute, all and every matter and thing which a similar cor-
poration may or rightfully can do, and shall have succession dur-
ing the continuation of this act, and to that end, for perpetuating
the said incorporate body, the heirs, devisees, representatives and
assignees, of the individual members thereof, shall be and are here-
by declared to be, members thereof, and by the name aforesaid may
sue and be sued, answer and be answered, in any court of law or
equity in this state or elsewhere.
Passed Feb 12 1819
Company incor-