An act to authorise Josias Sunderland, late one of the col-
lectors of Calvert County, to complete his collections.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Josias Sunderland, late one of the collectors of Calvert county,
be and he is hereby authorised and empowered, to collect until the
first day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty, all balances due
him as collector of Calvert county, in the same, manner as he could
or might have done within the time limited by law, any law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said Josias
Sunderland, before he proceeds to execute the property of any per-
son or persons for public, dues, in virtue of this act, to deliver to
such person or persons chargeable with the same, at least thirty
days previous to levying such execution, an account written in
words at full length, of the public dues demanded of him, her or
them, with an affidavit annexed, that he has not received any part
thereof, nor any tiling as security or satisfaction for the same, more
than credit given, (if any,) to the best of his knowledge and be-
3. And be it enacted, That the said Josias Sunderland, before he
derives any benefit from or under this act, shall lodge his collector's
books in the clerk's office of Calvert county, to be open for the in.
spection of all persons interested in the same.
CHAP 18.
Passed Dec 21.
Time extended
for collection.
Before he pro-
ceeds to execute
property to deliv-
er an account, &c.
Collection books
to be lodged in
clerk's office.
An act for the benefit of Michael C. Sprigg, of Allegany
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Michael C. Sprigg, of the county of Allegany, be and he is hereby
authorised and empowered, to remove and bring into this state the
following negroes: Charles, a dark mulatto, about fifty years of
age; Priss, a dark mulatto woman, about fifty years of age; Noah,
a black man, about forty-five years of age; George, a dark mu-
latto man, about thirty-two years of age; Tom, a black man,
about thirty years of age; Peter, a bright mulatto man, about
twenty years of age; Nancy, a mulatto girl, about sixteen years
of age; Ned, a mulatto boy, about seven years of ages; Suck, a
black woman, about thirty-five years of age, and her four chil-
dren, Job, Ann. Eliza and Jane, all blacks, the first about thirteen
years of age, the second about four years of age, the third about
two years of age, and the fourth about one year of age, .all of
which said negroes are slaves; at any time within twelve months
from the passage of this act, on his having the said slaves duly re-
corded in the county court of Allegany, within six months after the
said removal, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
2. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be
construed to enable the said Michael C. Sprigg to sell or dispose of
the said slaves, imported by virtue of this act, until the said slaves
shall have resided within this state three years next preceding
such sale.
Passed Dec. 21.
Authorised to
bring slaves into
this state.
Not to dispose of
said slaves until
they have resided
three years in