Charles goldsborough, esq. governor.
way or manner whatever, be and the same is hereby annulled and
made void; and that the said Mary Louisa Hall be and she is here-
by declared capable to have, held, take, receive, sue for and reco-
ver, by compromise, suit or suits in law or equity, all such pro-
perty, in as full and ample a manner as if she were a feme sole, and
had inner been married, and to hold, use, and enjoy the same, for
her own use and benefit, and the same to dispose of according to
her will and pleasure, without the molestation, interference, hinder-
ance or consent, of her said husband, in the same manner she
could or might have done were she a feme sole.
CHAP. 144.
An act for the relief of Stephen Lewis, of Worcester
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Stephen Lewis, of Worcester county, be and be is hereby divorced
from bed, board and mutual cohabitation, with his wife Betsey
2. And be it enacted, That all rights or interests which may have
heretofore accrued, or would hereafter accrue, either to the said
Stephen Lewis, or to the. said Betsey Lewis, and all obligations
and liabilities heretofore between the said parties created, or which
could be created by virtue of their marriage, be and the same are
hereby abrogated, made null and void.
Passed Feb6 1819
Divorce granted.
Certain right, and
interests annulled,
A Supplement to an act authorising the Levy Court of
Somerset County to levy and assess a sum of money for
certain purposes therein mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Somerset county, be and they are hereby au-
thorised and required, to appropriate the money levied in the year
eighteen hundred and eighteen, under the authority of the law to
which this is a supplement, to the payment of the expenses of the
said county for the present year.
2. And be it enacted, That the act authorising the levy court of
Somerset county, to levy and assess a sum of money for the pur-
poses therein mentioned, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed Feb. 9 1819.
Certain money
heretofore levied
to be appropriated
to payment of ex-
penses of county
for present year.
Act repealed.
An act declaring the continuation and extension of the Char-
ter of the Elkton Bank of Maryland.
Whereas by an act of the general assembly of Maryland, pas-
sed at December session one thousand eight hundred and thirteen,
chapter one hundred and twenty-two, entitled, "A supplement to
the act, entitled, An act to incorporate a company to make a turn-
pike road leading to Cumberland, and for the extension of the
charters of the several banks in the city of Baltimore, and for
other purposes," certain conditions are mentioned and specified, by
a compliance with which said conditions the charters of the seve-
ral banks in this state, so complying with the said conditions, were
to be extended and renewed, for a certain time therein limited and
expressed: And whereas, notwithstanding the Elkton Bank of Ma-
Passed Feb. 9, 1819