Caroline county, a sum of money not exceeding forty dollars, to
be collected as other county charges are, and paid over to such
person or persons as the levy court shall appoint, for the use and
benefit of Nancy Saulsbury and Mary Saulsbury.
CHAP. 6.
An act to prevent Swine and Geese from going at large in
the Town of Sharpsburgh, Washington County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the first day of March next, it shall and may be
lawful for all and every person or persons to take up and impound,
any swine or geese which may be found going at large in the said
town of Sharpsburgh, belonging to any of the inhabitants thereof,
and the owner or owners thereof shall be obliged to pay, on reclaim-
ing any swine or geese so taken up or impounded, at the rate of
twenty-five cents for every hog, and at the rate of thirty cents for
every six geese, for every twenty-four hours the same may have
been in possession.
2 Be it further enacted, That whenever any swine or geese shall
be taken up and impounded in manner aforesaid, it shall be the duty
of the person or persons so taking up and impounding any swine or
geese to give notice immediately thereof, by advertisement in wri-
ting, set up at the doors of two of the taverns in Sharpsburgh afore-
said and when any swine or geese are taken up and impounded as
aforesaid, and not claimed by the owner or owners thereof within
three days thereafter, it shall and may be lawful for such person or
persons to dispose of and sell all such swine or geese to the highest
bidder, and after defraying all expenses the overplus, if any, to be
paid or tendered to the owner or owners thereof.
Passed Dec. 18.
Swine and geese
going at large
in town may be
Persons impound-
ing them to give
notice thereof.
An act for the benefit of Theophilus Davis, of Saint-Ma-
ry's County.
Sec 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Saint-Mary's county, shall and
they are hereby directed and empowered, at their levy court annu-
ally to levy on the assessable property of said county, if they shall
deem it right, and so long as they shall see cause, for the support
and maintenance of Theophilus Davis of said county, a sum of mo-
ney not exceeding thirty dollars, and the same, when collected,
shall be paid by the collector of said county to him or his order for
the purposes aforesaid.
Passed Dec. 18.
Levy authorised
for his support.
An act for the benefit of Catharine Moran, of Charles County.
Sec 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Charles county be and they are hereby authorised,
to levy upon the assessable property of said county, if they shall
deem it right, a sum or money not exceeding sixty dollars annually,
as long as they think necessary, for the support of Catharine Mo-
ran, and her children, and when collected to be paid over to her or
her order.
Passed Dec. 18.
Levy authorised
for her support.