An act for the benefit of the Widow, Devisees and Heirs,
of Valentine Bost, late of Frederick County, deceased,
and the Heirs of such Devisees as have died.
Whereas Valentine Bust, late of Frederick county, deceased,
by his last will and testament, bearing date the twenty-sixth day
of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and nine, did
devise all his real estate to sundry persons in said will mentioned,
and it appearing that the whole of such devisees as are living, the
heirs of such devisees as are dead, that are of full age, and the
guardians of such as are minors, have consented to the sale of such
lands; therefore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the county court of Frederick be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, to appoint a trustee or trustees to sell and dispose
of all the real estate of Valentine Bost, in Frederick county, at
such time, and upon such terms as shall be prescribed by the said
county court, and that upon the payment of the whole of the pur-
chase money, and not before, the said trustee or trustees shall con-
vey the said real estate, (one parcel thereof being part of a tract
of land called "Errors Corrected," and one other parcel, being
part of a tract called ''Pretty improvement,'') to the purchaser or
purchasers, which conveyance being duly made, shall be sufficient
to convey all the right, title, claim and interest, of, in and to, the
said real estate, which may have come by devise or descent to the
devisees and heirs of said Valentine Bost, and by devise or in right
of dower to the widow of said Valentine Bost.
2. And be it enacted, That the trustee or trustees to be appointed
by the said county court, before he or they proceed to exercise any
of the powers to be vested in said trustee or trustees by virtue of
said appointment, shall give a joint and several bond to the State
of Maryland, in such penalty, and with such security, as the coun-
ty court of said county shall direct, for the faithful performance of
all and singular the powers by this act directed to be vested in him
or them; which bond shall be recorded by the clerk of the said
county court, and the same, or an office copy thereof, may be put
in suit by any person or persons interested in the performance of
the conditions of the same,
3. Provided always, and be it enacted, That no sale made by the
trustee aforesaid, by virtue of this act, shall be good and valid,
until the same, be approved of by the. county court aforesaid; and
in case such sale shall be rejected by the said court, the said trus-
tee or trustees shall proceed to sell again, and so from time to time
until such sale shall be approved of by the said county court.
4. And be it enacted, That the money arising from said sale,
which may belong to the said widow, heirs or devisees, shall be
paid to the said widow, and to such heirs or devisees as may be of
lull age, as soon as conveniently may be after the said trustee or
trustees may have received the same, and to the guardian or guar-
dians of such as are minors, to receive and have the disposal there-
of until such minors shall arrive at lawful age, at which times the
same, shall be transferred and paid over to them in their respective,
proportions; Provided, that in case of the death of any of the said
heirs, before he, she or they, shall have attained such age, such
CHAP. 23.
Passed Dec 22.
County court to
Appoint a trustee
to dispose of real
estate of Valentino
Bost, &c.
Trustee to give
No sale to be valid
until approved of
by court, &c
Proceeds of sale,
how to be paid.