any five negro or mulatto, or any negro or mulatto servant or slave,
to be in his, her, or their store house, or other house, wherein he,
she or they may be accustomed to sell distilled spirits, or other li-
quors, between the times and on the day aforesaid; Provided al-
ways, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend
to the case of such aforesaid servant or slave as shall have a writ-
ten order or license for that purpose from his master, mistress, over-
seer, or other person in whose employment he may actually be,
with the consent of his owner or owners.
2. And be it enacted, That the provisions of an act, entitled, An
act for the better protection of slaveholders in the several counties
therein mentioned, which are not repugnant to the provisions of
this act, be. and the same are hereby declared to be, in full force
and effect in the counties aforesaid.
CHAP 184.
Provisions of for-
mer act extended
to counties herein
A further additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act
for the more effectual collection of the county charges in
Allegany county.
Whereas the act to which this is a supplement, has been found
by experience to be insufficient to secure to purchasers of land sold
by the collectors for the payment of taxes in Allegany county;
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in all cases where purchases have been made under the law to
which this is a supplement, and where decisions have not been had
in the county court, or where suits are now pending, if the pur-
chasers, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, do and
shall advertise in some one of the newspapers of Frederick town,
Baltimore, and the Eastern shore, as the commissioners of the tax
for Allegany count; shall direct, (in the same manner, and for the
same time, as the collectors have heretofore advertised the same,)
fully describing the land and the owners name, where it is known,
and the time of purchase, with the amount they have paid for the
same, the title acquired from the collector shall be as good and
available in law as if the sale had been made by its original and
real owner, unless the person or persons having such original and
real title shall, within two years from the date of the publication,
pay or tender to be paid to the purchaser or purchasers, his or their
assigns, the amount of the original purchase money, and all taxes
paid thereon, with ten percent, per annum; and where improve-
ments have been made thereon, the amount of the costs of such im-
provements, with six per cent, per annum, the value of such im-
provements, where the parties cannot agree, to be ascertained by
two persons chosen by said parties; each to name one man, no wise
related to him, which said two persons may choose an umpire in
case, of any difference of opinion, the award of whom shall be bind-
ing upon both parties, and effectual in law; and such purchaser or
purchasers, so advertising as aforesaid, shall lodge with the clerk
of Allegany county, notification or advertisement as aforesaid, to-
gether with the affidavit of the printers, whose duty it shall be to
record the same, which said record shall be good and sufficient
evidence that the provisions of this law have been complied with.
Passed Feb 16 1819
Where purchases
have been made
under former law,
and decisions have
not been had, if
purchasers adver-
tise, &c. title ac-
quired from col-
lector to be good
in law, &c.