27. And be it enacted, That the said companies shall cause posts
to be erected at the intersection of every public road falling into
and leading out of the said turnpike roads, with a hoard and in-
dex hand pointing to the direction of such roads, on both sides
whereof shall ho inscribed in legible characters the. name of the
town, village or place, to which such road leads, and the distance
thereof in computed miles; and the said companies shall cause mile
stones to be placed at the side of the said roads, beginning at the
distance, of one mile from the hounds of Rockville, and extending
thence to the termination of the said respective roads, whereon
shall be marked in plain legible characters the number of miles
which each stone is distant from Rockville aforesaid; and at every
gate or turnpike by them to be fixed on the said loads, shall cause
the distance from Rockville aforesaid, and the distance from the
nearest gate or turnpike in each direction, to he marked in legible
characters, designating the number of miles and fractions of a
mile on the said gates, or some other conspicuous place, for the
information of travellers and others using the said roads; and if
any person shall willingly destroy the said posts, boards, index
hands, or milestones, or deface the same, or deface the directions
made on the said gates or other conspicuous places as aforesaid, or
shall without permission of the acting superintendant of the said
road, throw out upon the road, or within the limits of the same,
and suffer to remain for the space of one day, any mould, dirt,
weeds, or rubbish of any kind, such person being convicted there-
of by the evidence of one. or more credible and disinterested wit-
ness, before any justice of the peace of the county, he or she shall
be adjudged by the said justice to pay a fine not exceeding ten
dollars, to be recovered with costs, as debts of that amount are by
law recoverable, which fine, when recovered, shall be paid to the
treasurer of the company for the use of said company.
28. And be it enacted, That all wagoners, and drivers of carri-
ages of all kinds, whether of burthen or pleasure, using the said
road, shall, except when passing by a carriage of slower draught.
keep their horses and carriages on the right hand side of the said
road in the passing direction, leaving the other side of the road
free and clear for other carriages to pass and repass, and if any
driver shall offend against this provision, he shall forfeit and pay
a sum not exceeding ten dollars to any person who shall be ob-
structed in his passage, and will warrant for the same, to be re-
covered with costs before any justice, in the same manner as small
debts are or may be recoverable.
29. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for the said
companies to ask, demand or receive, of or from any person or
persons living on the said road, or in the neighbourhood thereof,
or within three miles of any of the said gates or turnpikes, any
toll for passing the said gates more than once in twenty-four hours.
30. And be it enacted, That either of the said presidents and
managers of any of the said turnpike roads, for the time being,
shall and may, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to
grant, demise, and to farm-let, to any person or persons with
whom they can agree, the tolls and duties which they by virtue of
this act, or their own by-laws, are authorised to demand and re-
ceive, for passing in, along and upon the said roads, at any such
Dec. Ses. 1817
Index hands-—
mile stones—
penalty for de-
Wagoners &c.
shall pass to
the right— pe-
Persons ex-
empt from tolls.
Grants, de-
mises &c.