Dec. Ses. 1817.
If whole amt.
of stock is not
comm'rs may
again open
State to have
the right of
one fourth of
the stock.
Canal to be cut.
Tolls to be im-
city of Baltimore, the president and directors shall have power to
fill up the vacancy till a new election.
8. And be it enacted, That if the whole amount of stock herein
authorised to be subscribed for shall not be taken at the time of
closing the subscription by the commissioners as herein before pro-
vided for, the president and directors may, whenever and as often
as they think proper, open the subscription, on twenty days no-
tice in the newspapers of the city of Baltimore, for the purpose of
taking additional subscriptions for such portion or the whole of the
unsubscribed stock as they may think necessary fur the objects to
be effected by the corporation.
9. And be it enacted, That the state shall always have the right
and privilege of subscribing one-fourth part of the whole stock in
said company, and to pay for the same by the issue of certificates
of stock to the said corporation, bearing interest of six per cen-
tum per annum, redeemable at the pleasure of the state, and for
the redemption of which the interest of the state in said corpo-
ration shall be and is hereby solemnly pledged, and no other fund
whatever, said stock to be issued on the terms and in the manner
hereafter to be prescribed by law; and the governor and council
are hereby authorised and empowered, in their discretion, to sub-
scribe at any time that subscription books for said stock may be
opened in manner aforesaid, for the whole or such portion of said
one-fourth of said stock as they may deem advantageous and bene-
ficial for the state, but at no other time.
10. And be it enacted, That said president and directors be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered, to cut, dig, and make
a canal, from such point on Patapsco river above tide water, as
they may deem most advantageous, to the city of Baltimore, and
the. said canal to connect with the tide water of Patapsco river, in
such manner and at such place or places as they may think most
advantageous, and to divert from their usual course the whole or
any part of the waters of the said river Patapsco, and of any
other river, creek or stream, which they may think suitable for
the purpose, on the said president and directors first obtaining the
consent of all persons having any right or interest in whole or in
part in such river, creek or stream, from the point where the same
may be diverted to the place where they meet tide water, and also
the. consent of the owners of the lands through which such canal
may pass; and the said president and directors shall have full pow-
er and authority to make and dig such canal along, under and
across any public, highway, or any street or streets, lane or lanes,
alley or alleys, of the county or city of Baltimore, for the purpose
of conveying and conducting said water, and for such purpose to
dig, break up and open, at their own expense, all or any part of
such highways, streets, lanes and alleys, leaving at all times a
sufficient passage-way for carriages, horses and foot passengers,
and restoring forthwith all such highways, streets, lanes and al-
leys, to a good, perfect, and easy passage for horses, carriages and
foot passages, by good substantial and sufficient bridges over and
across said canal where it may intersect, cross, or interfere with
11. And be it enacted, That said president and directors be
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to impose reasona-