An act to authorise the conveyance of certain Lands for the
use of the Religious Society of Quakers for the support
of a School in Montgomery County.
Whereas, by the declaration of rights, all gifts, sales or devi-
ses of land, exceeding two acres, to any religious sect, order or
denomination, for the support, use or benefit of, or in trust for, the
same, are void without the leave of the legislature: And whereas the
yearly meeting of the religious society of Friends, held in Balti-
more, have represented to the general assembly, that they are de-
sirous of establishing a school for the education of their children,
and that part of a tract of land situate in Montgomery county,
called Charley Forrest, part of a tract of land called Brother's
Content, and part of a tract of land called George the Third, con-
taining three hundred and fifty-eight acres, more or less, has been
purchased for the purpose of erecting thereon suitable buildings for
said school and for the support of the same, and has been conveyed by
Whitson Canby, by deed bearing date, the thirty-first day of May,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen,
to Andrew Ellicott, Isaac Brooks. Evan Thomas, junior, and
Isaac Tyson, junior, of the city of Baltimore, who are willing
and desirous to convey the same to the use of the religious society
of friends aforesaid, for the purpose aforesaid, if authorised so to
do by the legislature;
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the leave of the legislature shall be and hereby is granted, that the
said Andrew Ellicott, Isaac Brooks, Evan Thomas, junior, and
Isaac Tyson, junior, shall be and they are hereby authorised to
convey to such persons as the religious society of friends shall di-
rect and appoint, the above mentioned tract or parcels of land, in
trust for the use of the said religious society of friends, for the
purposes aforesaid, in fee simple, forever, and for no other use or
purpose whatsoever.
Passed Jan 21
Persons autho-
rised to convey
An Additional Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to
establish a Bank and incorporate a Company under the
name of The Bank of Caroline.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the stockholders of the Bank of Caroline shall elect, by ballot, at
their annual election, eleven directors from among the stockhold-
ers, eight of whom at least shall reside in Caroline county, to con-
duct the business of the institution; and the president shall he.
elected by the directors from their own body; the president and
two directors shall constitute a board to make the ordinary dis-
2. And be it enacted, That it shall he lawful for the president and
directors of the Bank of Caroline to discount notes and bills, which
Passed Jan 24
Eleven direc-
tors to be ap-
What notes
may be dis-