An act to prevent Swine and Geese from going at large in
the. Town of Hancock, Washington County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the first day of March next, it shall and may be
lawful for all and every person or persons to take up and impound
any swine or geese which may be found going at large in the said
town of Hancock, belonging to any of the inhabitants thereof, and
the owner or owners thereof shall be obliged to pay, on reclaiming
any swine or geese taken up and impounded, at the rate of
twenty-five cents for every hog, and at the rate of thirty cents for
every six geese, for every twenty-four hours the same may have
been in possession, and provided that when any geese or swine are
so taken up they shall be advertised by notice, in writing, set up
at the doors of two of the taverns in Hancock Town aforesaid.
Dec. Ses. 1817
Passed Dec. 13.
Swine and
geese running
at large may
be taken up.
An act authorising certain alterations in Baltimore County
and City Court Rooms.
Sec. 1. Be it evaded by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the judges of Baltimore county court, and Baltimore city court, be
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to cause such al-
terations to be made in the bench and bar, tables, and other fix-
tures in their respective court rooms, in the court-house of Balti-
more county, as shall appear to them necessary and convenient for
the transaction of the public business in their respective courts,
and also to open a door from the county court room into the ad-
joining room, and erect such fixtures as may be necessary for the
preservation and safe keeping therein of the library that is or
may be provided for the use of the said courts and bar, and the levy
court of Baltimore county be and they are hereby authorised and re-
quired, to levy the expenses of such alterations, when so ascertained
and approved by the judges aforesaid, to be collected and paid
over to the persons entitled to receive the same, as other county
assessments. ------
Passed Dec. 15
Judges autho-
rised to make
chapter 8.
An additional Supplement to an Act to incorporate Compa-
nies to make several Turnpike Roads through Baltimore
County, and for other purposes.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That in-
stead of the times mentioned in the original act to which this is an ad-
ditional supplement, for declaring dividends, the same shall in fu-
ture be declared on the first Mondays in January and July yearly
Passed Dec 15
Time for de-
claring divi-
dends chang-
An act to confirm an Act passed at December Session eigh-
teen hundred and sixteen, entitled, An act to alter,
change and repeal, all such parts of the Constitution and
Form of Government of this State, as relate to the division
of Prince-George's County into Election Districts.
Sec. l. Be it evaded by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
an act passed at December Session eighteen hundred and sixteen,
Passed Dec. 16
Act confirmed