rights, privileges and franchise, by this act granted to the said
11. And be it enacted, That the county court of Washington
county shall appoint five commissioners, who shall estimate the
amount of damages sustained by any person or persons by reason of
said road passing through his, her, or their lands, or by taking of
stone, grave), or other materials, for the use of the said road, in
cases where the parties cannot agree, which estimate shall be final
in determining such damages.
12. And be it enacted, That it is always to be understood, that
the tolls to be charged on wagons whose wheels are of certain di-
mensions shall be charged according to the original size of the tire,
although the same may be reduced by wear below the standard re-
quired by law; and three days shall only be allowed by this act to
the company to put their road in repair where fifteen days are al-
lowed by the act to which this refers.
Dec. Ses. 1817
Tolls on wa-
gons charged
according to
original tire.
Chapter 203.
An additional Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to pro-
vide for the appointment of Commissioners for the regu-
lation and improvement of Salisbury, in Somerset and
Worcester Counties.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners appointed by an act supplementary to an act,
entitled, An act to provide for the appointment of commissioners for
the regulation and improvement of Salisbury, in Somerset and Wor-
cester counties, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered,
to appoint some honest and disinterested person to assess the va-
lue of each and every lot of ground in the town of Salisbury, in
Somerset and Worcester counties, and to determine what sum of
money, according to the relative value of said lots, each lot owner
shall pay towards defraying the expenses incurred by carrying into
effect an act supplementary to an act, entitled, An act to provide for
the appointment of commissioners for the regulation and improve-
ment of Salisbury, in Somerset and Worcester counties, as well as
of this act; and the person so appointed by the said commissioners,
before he proceeds to act as an assessor, shall take the following
oath, or affirmation, before some justice of the peace: I---------, do
solemnly swear, or affirm, (as the case may be) that 1 will, accor-
ding to the best of my skill and judgment, without favour, affection
or prejudice, perform the duties enjoined on me by an act, entitled,
An additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide for
the appointment of commissioners for the regulation and improve-
ment of Salisbury, in Somerset and Worcester counties.
2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid commissioners be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered, to appoint some suita-
ble person to collect, in the same manner as the county charges
now are collected, whatever sum or sums of money the assessor
may have determined to be due from the lot owners in the said
town, and to be paid by the said collectors to the aforesaid com-
missioners, and by them to be applied to the payment of the expen-
ses incurred by the provisions of the act before named, as well
the provisions of this act; and the said collector, so appointed, shall,
Passed Feb 14
Value of lots
to be ascertain-
ed, &c.
Collector to be