Dec. Ses. 1817
Annual levy.
On neglect of
duty court
may rescind
Court not pre-
vented from
making speci-
al contract for
in, and if upon trial neglect of duty shall be established, the court
shall fix the sum to be paid by the parties named in said recogni-
zance, and shall give judgment therefor, together with costs of
suit, to be applied towards discharging the county charges of Wor-
cester county.
36. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said county shall
annually levy the sum necessary to carry into effect the provisions
of this law, to be appropriated by them as justice may require.
37. And be, it enacted, That whenever any person or persons
shall be convicted of neglect of duty under this act, or shall die, it
shall be lawful for the justices of the levy court, in their discreti-
on, to rescind the contract made with such person or persons, and
to let out the particular division of road bid off by such person or
persons, to any other person or persons, according to the provisi-
ons aforesaid.
38. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall
prevent the levy court of said county from making a special con-
tract for making a new bridge in said county, or repairing any
bridge, nor shall the provisions of this act be construed to interfere
with the duties imposed by law upon the owner of a water mill, but
the levy court may make an allowance to him, which in no case
shall exceed the amount of his county levy.
39. And be it enacted, That so much of the act, entitled, "An
act to change and alter the mode of repairing the public roads in
Worcester county," passed December session eighteen hundred and
sixteen, as is inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and the
same are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb. 2.
Clerks allowed
same fees as re-
gister in chan-
Crier's fees.
An act to regulate the Clerk's Fees in the Chancery Pro-
ceedings in the County Courts, and for other purposes.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the clerks of the respective county courts, for any services to bo
performed by them in chancery proceedings in said courts, shall be
entitled to the same fees now allowed to the register in chancery
for like services, and no more, and the said clerks shall not de-
mand, ask for, or receive, any higher or other fees for such services.
2. And be it enacted, That the criers of the several county courts
within this state, shall be entitled to receive two dollars per day
for every day they shall attend the terms established for chancery
business, to be levied, collected and paid, as other county charges.
Passed Feb. 3.
An act to prevent the unlawful exportation of Negroes and
Mulattoes, and to alter and amend the Laws concerning
Whereas, the laws heretofore enacted for preventing the kid-
napping of free negroes and mulattoes, and of transporting out of
this state negroes and mulattoes entitled to their freedom after a
term of years, have been found insufficient to restrain the commis-
sion of such crimes and misdemeanors; and it hath been found
moreover, that servants and slaves have been seduced from the
service of their masters and owners, and fraudulently removed out