29. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Worcester county
shall have all the power and authority of granting private roads,
that by law is now vested in the county courts, provided the notice
is given as required for public roads, and that there may bean ap-
peal from the decision of the levy court to the county court; and
when a plot of any road or roads, so laid out, shall be returned
to, and confirmed by, the levy court aforesaid, the same shall be
transmitted to the county court of said county, and there recorded
among the land records of said county.
30. And be it enacted, That instead of keeping up the said roads
in Worcester county as provided for by this act, it shall and may
be lawful for the justices of the levy court of said county, in their
discretion, to keep in repair the said roads, according to the pro-
visions aforesaid, or under the provisions herein after contained,
either as respects the whole of the roads in said county, or any
part thereof.
31. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy court of said -
county shall meet at Snow-Hill on the first Monday of April next,
or as soon thereafter as may be convenient, and in like manner
every year thereafter, and when so met shall lay off the said roads
into as many divisions as they may sec proper, and shall then ap-
point a day or days when they or any four or more of their body,
shall meet at Snow-Hill, or any other place or places in said coun-
ty, and contract with any person or persons for keeping up any
particular division of said roads for the lowest sum.
32. And be it enacted, That the said roads shall be let out in a -
public manner to the lowest bidder, and before any road is let out
under this law, the justices of the levy court shall give at least
three weeks public notice thereof, by advertisement to be set up
in the neighbourhood of the roads to be let out, of the time and
place of doing the same.
33. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy court of said
county may contract with any person or persons for keeping any
particular division of said roads, for a period of time not shorter
than one year, or longer than three years.
34. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy court letting
out any road, shall take a recognizance in the penalty of two hun-
dred dollars to the state of Maryland, from the person or persons
who may bid off any particular division of said roads, with one or
more sufficient securities, conditioned that the same shall be dis-
charged upon the party or parties who are the principals therein,
keeping the road contracted for in proper order, together with all
bridges and foot ways across water, where the same may be ne-
35. And be it enacted, That any recognizance taken under this
act, shall be lodged with the clerk of Worcester county, within ten
days after taking the same, to be by him recorded in his office,
and at any time when the levy court of said county, or any mem-
ber thereof, shall know or bo informed, of any neglect of duty of
any person or persons, the principals in a recognizance taken by
virtue of this act, it shall be the duty of the said levy court, or the
member thereof receiving the information as aforesaid, to cause
a scire facias to issue out of the county court of said county, upon
said recognizance, against the principal and securities named there-
Dec. Ses. 1817.
Levy court em-
powered to
grant private.
to be kept in
--to be laid off
into divisions.
—may be let
Contracts for
divisions of
to be taken.
To be lodged
with clerk of