district, as supervisor of the said district of public roads, and to
signify the same to him by warrant, under the hand of the clerk of
said county, and the seal of office, according to the number and di-
visions of said roads, as the same shall be ascertained upon their
records; and the said justices may adjourn from time to time until
the said roads shall be duly ascertained, and supervisors appointed
as aforesaid.
3. And be it enacted, That any person appointed a supervisor in
virtue of this act, and refusing to act as such, and comply with the
requisites thereof, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars,
to be recoverable in the name of the state, before any justice of the
peace of said county, and applied by the levy court toward defray-
ing the county charges; Provided, that no one person shall be com-
pelled to act as supervisor on any of the public roads more than one
year in every three years, without his consent.
4. And be it enacted, That if any supervisor appointed under this
act, shall refuse to act. remove out of the county, become disqua-
lified, or die, it shall and may be lawful for any two justices of the
said levy court to supply every such vacancy so happening, by the
appointment of another suitable person to act as supervisor, under
the same penalties and regulations as if he had been appointed by
a majority of the said justices; and the said justices shall certify
every such appointment, under their hands, to the clerk of said
county, within ten days thereafter; and the said clerk shall within
ten days after being so notified thereof, issue a warrant to the per-
son so appointed, and deliver the same to the sheriff of the county
aforesaid, to be by him delivered to the person so appointed, or
left at his place of residence, within ten days after receiving the
same, under the penalty of ten dollars current money for every ne-
glect by the sheriff or clerk respectively; and if any person appoint-
ed supervisor as aforesaid, shall not lodge his warrant with the
county clerk within fifteen days after he shall receive the same, ho
shall be considered as accepting the appointment, and may be pro-
ceeded against for neglect of duty accordingly.
5. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Worcester county
shall, at their first levy in the year eighteen hundred and eighteen,
and at their annual levy in every year thereafter, levy and assess,
on the assessable property in said county, such sum of money as
they may ascertain from the different supervisors, for the repair of
the public roads in said county, and to be collected as other county
charges are, so as to levy the money for the work done in eighteen
hundred and seventeen, and also as much as the court may think
sufficient for the work and expenses in eighteen hundred and eigh-
teen, and shall hereafter annually levy for the year the work is to
be done, instead of levying the year after the work is done.
6. And be, it enacted, That whenever the public roads shall want
repairs, except in wheat harvest, it shall be the duty of each su-
pervisor to call on all persons within his district, or as many as lie
may deem necessary, who shall have paid county taxes, or shall
be charged with the same, (except persons owning water mills over
which a public road leads,) at least two days before he intends
working on said roads, and to notify them of his intentions, and the
place and hour of meeting, and what tools they must furnish, whose
duty it shall be to attend at the hour appointed with such tools as
Dec. Ses. 1817.
Penalty on
persons refus-
ing to serve.
Levies to be
Repairs of