Dec. Ses. 1817
or other person concerned, to issue a commission to divide the real
estate of which the said Thomas Winchester and Sarah Winches-
ter died seized in fee simple, among their heirs, according to their
respective titles, in the same manner as is provided for in other
cases by the act of descents, and the several supplements thereto.
Passed Feb. 4.
Donation to
Charlotte Hall
Passed Feb. 4.
Add'l commis-
sioners ap-
A Supplement to an act for the promotion of Literature in
this State.
WHEREAS, the trustees of the Charlotte Hall School, for the coun-
ties of St. Mary's, Charles, Prince-George's and Calvert, have
found the donation granted by the act to which this is a supple-
ment, to the president and trustees of the said school, totally in-
sufficient for the liberal education of youth, for which purpose the
said appropriation was made; Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, Thai
the treasurer of the western shore shall be, forever hereafter, au-
thorised and required, to pay annually, in addition to the donation
given to the Charlotte Hall School, the sum of twelve hundred dollars,
which said sum shall be paid by the treasurer of the western shore
on or before the first day of June, to the president and trustees of
Charlotte Hall School, or their order; Provided, the said president
and trustees shall annually leave in the treasury so much of the
said donation as shall amount to the interest of the debt due from
the said president and trustees to this state.
A Supplement to an act. entitled, An act for the distribution
of a certain fund for the purpose of establishing Free
Schools in the several Counties therein named.
Sec. 1. lie it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
James Forrest, Luke W. Barber, and James Thomas, be and they
are hereby appointed commissioners in addition to those appointed
for St. Mary's county by the act to which this is a supplement.
2. And be it enacted, That in case of the death, resignation, or
refusal to act, of either of the commissioners appointed by this
or the original act, then and in that case the remaining commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority
to elect a proper and suitable person or persons to fill such vacancy.
Passed Feb. 3.
Roads to be
of supervisors.
An act relating to the Public Roads in Worcester County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Worcester county, or a majority of
them, he and they are hereby authorised and required, at their first
meeting in the year eighteen hundred and eighteen, and at their
first meeting in each and every year thereafter, to describe, ascer-
tain, and distinctly record, ma book to be provided for that purpose,
the several and respective public roads and highways in said coun-
ty, and to divide, the same into as many districts as to the said court
shall seem meet and proper.
2. And be it enacted, That the said levy court, or a majority of
them, shall proceed to appoint a capable and suitable person to each