An act respecting a Road in Frederick County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the road lately surveyed, laid out and opined, one perch wide, by
the inhabitants residing in the neighbourhood of Singleton Bur-
ger's grist mill, at their own expense, leading from said mill to
intersect the new main road leading from Masencop's smith-shop
to New-Market, shall be recorded among the records of Frede-
rick county, and be hereafter deemed and taken to be a public
road, and shall be kept in repair as other public roads in said
county are directed to be.
Dec. Ses. 1816
Passed Jan 16.
A certain road
made public.
An act to authorise a Lottery in Frederick-Town, in Fre-
derick County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for Frederick Nusz, Michael Ott,
George Houck, Henry Kelly, John Doll, Henry Getzhandanner,
and George Jacob Houx, or a majority of them, to propose a
scheme or schemes of a lottery for raising a sum of money not
exceeding seven thousand dollars, and to dispose of the tickets
thereof; Provided, the said Frederick Nusz, Michael Ott, George
Houck, Henry Kelly, John Doll, Henry Getzhandanner and
George Jacob Houx, or such majority of them us shall undertake
to act under this law, shall, before the sale or disposal of any
ticket or tickets in said lottery, give their bond to the state of
Maryland, in the penalty of twelve thousand dollars, condition-
ed that they will well and truly apply so much of the money aris-
ing therefrom, within six months after the drawing of said lotte-
ry shall commence, as will satisfy the fortunate adventurers for
prizes drawn by them; and after deducting the, necessary ex-
penses incurred in said lottery, shall, within six months from the
time said lottery shall commence, apply the money raised by said
lottery to the paving Market-street, in Frederick-town, from
Third-street to the north end of the town, exclusive of the foot-
ways or side-pavements therein.
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said Fre-
derick Nusz, Michael Ott, George Houck, Henry Kelly, John
Doll, Henry Getzhandanner, and George Jacob Houx, or a ma-
jority of them, to lodge their bond, made and entered into as
aforesaid, in the office of the clerk of Frederick county court,
there to be recorded, and upon such bond, or any office copy
thereof, suit or suits may be instituted against the obligors there-
in, or any of them, or their legal representatives, for any breach
or non-compliance with the condition of the same.
Passed Jan. 15,
.Lottery autho-
Bond to be
lodged in
clerk's office.