his wife, to John Caldwell, bearing date on or about the sixteenth
day of May, eighteen hundred and nine, and the deed of con
veyance from Zacheus O. Bond to the said John Caldwell, bear-
ing date on or about the twenty-fourth day of November, in
the year eighteen hundred and nine, (which several deeds are
duly executed, acknowledged and recorded, among the land re-
cords of Harford county,) shall have the same force and effect,
to vest in the said John Caldwell, his heirs and assigns, a title
to the said property, as if he had been naturalized agreeably to
the laws of the United States at the time of the execution of the
said several deeds; Provided, that nothing herein contained shall
in any wise effect or impair the right of any person or persons
to said lands which shall have, been acquired before the passage
of this act.
Dec. Ses. 1816
An act for the relief of John Conley, of Harford
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the, levy court of Harford county be, and
they are hereby authorised, to assess and levy on the assessable
property of the said county, annually, so long as they shall think
proper, a sum of money, not exceeding forty dollars, for the
support and maintenance of John Conley, of said county, and
that the same be collected and paid to the said John Conley, or
to his order, in the same manner that other county levies are
collected and paid.
2. And be it enacted, That the justices aforesaid be, and they are
hereby authorised, to pay to the said John Conley, or to his or-
der, out of any surplus money of said county they may have in
their hands, a sum, not exceeding thirty dollars, for the support
and maintenance of the said John Conley, until the laying of the
next county levy of said county.
Passed Jan. 9.
Levy for his
Allowance un-
til next levy.
An act authorising John D. Henley to remove certain Ne-
groes into the State of Maryland.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John D. Henley be, and he is hereby authorised and em-
powered, at any time or times within two years after the passage
of this act, to remove and bring into this state the negro slaves
and their issue, of which he was in possession at the time of his
fixing his residence in this state, and that the removal of said
slaves and their issue, and bringing them into the state of Mary-
land, shall not be deemed or taken, or in any manner be construed
or operate, to entitle them to freedom; Provided, that the said
negroes, when removed agreeably to the provisions of this act,
shall be recorded in the records of Harford county court, within
three months after their arrival in said county.
Passed Jan. 8.
May remove
certain slaves
into this state.