Dec. Ses. 1816
Passed Feb. 5.
Relative to
new edition of
laws U. S.
No. 72.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the governor and coun-
cil be requested to purchase for the use of the State, twenty-five copies of the
new edition of the Laws of the United States, now printing under the direction
of the Secretary of State, and Attorney-General of the United States, provided
the same can be obtained at the price of those to be delivered for the use of the
United States, to be distributed as follows: One copy to the Clerk of the Coun-
cil, for the use of the Council; two copies to the Clerk of the Senate, for the
use of the Senate; two copies to the Clerk of the House of Delegates, for the
use of the House of Delegates; one copy to the Register of the Chancery Court;
one copy to each of the Clerks of the Court of Appeals, and of each county
in the state, for the use of their respective offices; to be paid for by the treasu-
rer of the western shore.
Passed Feb. 5.
In favour of
Elisha Brown.
No. 73.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authoris-
ed and requested, to allow unto Elisha Browne, a captain in the 32d regiment
Maryland militia, such compensation as to them may appear right, or thirty-
five days services in August and September eighteen hundred and fourteen, and
draw on the treasurer of the western shore for such amount.
Passed Feb. 5.
— of Christo-
pher Hohne.
No. 74.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby au-
thorised, to pay to Christopher Hohne, the sum of fifty dollars, for extinguish-
ing the fire in the stadt-house on the 5th February, 1817, out of any unappro-
priated money in the treasury.
Passed Feb. 5.
— of trustees
of St. Peter's
Free School.
No. 75.
Resolved, That the loan heretofore made by the state to the trustees of St.
Peter's Free School, in the city of Baltimore, he and the same is hereby con-
tinued for two years from the time the same became due.
Passed Feb. 6.
Relating to
the river Sus-
No. 76.
Resolved, That William H. Winder, Thomas Ellicott, Levi Hollingsworth,
Robert Morgan, Abraham Jarrett, Joseph Condon and Levin Gale, be and
they are hereby appointed commissioners to examine the river Susquehanna,
so far as they think necessary, and to consider and report to the next general
assembly upon the means in their opinion best calculated to improve the navi-
gation of that river.
Resolved, That should the state of Pennsylvania appoint commissioners
with like powers, the above named commissioners are authorised and directed
to confer with such commissioners of the state of Pennsylvania, and if practica-
ble to agree upon a joint report to be made to the legislatures of each state.
Resolved, That the governor be and he is hereby requested to transmit a
copy of the foregoing resolutions to the governor of Pennsylvania, and to invite
him to take such steps as he may deem expedient to induce the state of Penn-
sylvania to concur in the objects of the above resolutions.
Passed Feb. 5.
Relative to the
security of the
No. 77.
Resolved, That the congress of the United States be requested to adopt ef-
fective measures for the security of the country watered by the Chesapeake bay,
and its tributary streams, against the maratime force of an enemy.
Resolved, That our senators and representatives in the congress of the
United States be instructed and requested, to use their exertions to effectuate
such legislative acts as may be required for the above object.
Resolved, That his excellency the governor of Maryland be requested to
forward to his excellency the governor of Virginia a copy of the preceding re-
solutions, to be by him submitted to the legislature of Virginia, inviting them
to co-operate with this state in obtaining that protection so essential to the hon-
our, the interest, and security of the nation.
Resolved, That his excellency the governor be requested to forward to our
senators and representatives in congress a copy of the preceding resolutions, to
be by them submitted to the consideration of the congress of the United States.