Dec. Ses. 1816
M. Owings
authorised to
thence bounding on that line eastwardly fifty feet six inches to
the east end of said part, and thence bounding thereon to the be-
ginning, which said representation is well founded, Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Milcah Owings be and she is hereby authorised,
to sell and dispose of said part of a lot herein before particularly
described, at private or public sale, as the orphans court of Bal-
timore county may deem most advantageous to the infant wards
of said Milcah Owings, at the highest price that can be obtained
therefor, and the same to convey and transfer, by deed of bargain
and sale, to the purchaser, on the payment of the purchase mo-
ney, which said purchase money shall be invested by said Milcah
Owings in such funds or stock as the orphans court aforesaid
may direct and approve, for the use and benefit of her said in-
fant wards, in the same proportions in which they are entitled to
the said lot; and said deed, when so made, shall be good and suf-
ficient to transfer to, and vest in, the purchaser, all the right,
title and interest, of the said infant wards aforesaid, to the afore-
said particularly described part of a. lot.
Passed Feb. 5.
Chancellor to
decree sale.
. An act for the sale of the. Real Estate of William G.
Cochran, late of the City of Baltimore, deceased.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the chancellor of the state of Maryland shall have full pow-
er and authority, on the petition of Susan Cochran, the widow of
the said William G. Cochran, for and on behalf of the infant
heirs at law of the said William G. Cochran, to order and decree
a sale of the real estate of the said deceased, or any part thereof,
and for that purpose to appoint a trustee, who shall give bond
and security for the faithful performance of said trust, as in
other cases of sales under decree of the chancery court, and that
the chancellor shall also have power and authority to direct the
proceeds of sale to be laid out in some profitable stock, in the
names, and for the benefit of the said heirs respectively, after
making allowances for expenses and the widow's dower; Provided,
that before any decree shall be made in the premises, the chan-
cellor shall be satisfied that a sale of said estate, or any part
thereof, will be beneficial to the said heirs at law.
Passed Feb. 5
An act for the benefit of the Infant Children of Benjamin
Clare, of Calvert County, deceased.
Whereas, it is represented by the petition of Elizabeth
Dawkins, Leonard Cook, and Rebecca his wife, William Clare,
Marsham Parker, and Mary his wife, Anne Rawlings, Sarah Pat-
tison, John Clare, James A. D. Dalrymple, and Christiana his
wife, and James Clare, that John Clare, the father of the said
Elizabeth Dawkins, Rebecca Cook, William Clare, Mary Parker,
Anne Rawlings, Sarah Pattison, John Clare, Christiana Dalrym-
ple, and James Clare, died seized of a small tract of land called
Hard Travel, containing one hundred and eighty acres; that the
said land was sold by the heirs, but that Benjamin Clare died with-
out conveying his interest therein, leaving the following children