they now can or hereafter may enforce the attendance of wit-
nesses in other cases.
11. And be it enacted, That the officers of the several county
courts of this state shall be entitled to receive the same fees for
all business done in virtue of this law as are now, or shall be
hereafter received for like services, to be levied, collected and
paid, as aforesaid.
12. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act shall be con-
strued to extend to repeal the power heretofore vested in the
several levy courts of this state in and relating to the altering of
public roads through the lauds of persons petitioning for such al-
Dec. Ses. 1816
Officers fees.
This act not to
repeal power of
levy court re-
lating to alter-
ing roads, &c.
An act to confirm and make valid a Deed from Ralph Ran-
dolph Wormley, as Attorney for Edmund Jenings, of
London, to Richard Norris.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deed of conveyance made and executed by Ralph Ran-
dolph Wormley to Richard Norris, of the city of Baltimore, in
Baltimore county, and state of Maryland, dated the fourteenth
day of January, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and acknow-
ledged before Joseph H. Nicholson, chief judge of the sixth judi-
cial district of Maryland, made in virtue of a power of attorney
from Edmund Jenings, of London, in the Kingdom of Great Bri-
tain, Esquire, bearing date the twenty-fifth clay of April, eigh-
teen hundred and sixteen, authorising and appointing the said
Ralph Randolph Wormley to sell and convey the right, title and
interest, of the said Edmund Jenings, to certain lands therein
mentioned, be and the same is hereby declared good and sufficient
in law to pass, transfer and convey, all the right and estate of the
said Edmund Jenings in and to the lands, or parts of land there-
in mentioned, to the said Richard Norris, his heirs and assigns
for ever.
Passed Feb. 5.
Deed decreed
good and suf-
An act to enable Milcah Owings, the Guardian of Caleb
Daughady, Eleanor Daughady, John Stewart, Susan
Stewart and Margaret Stewart, to sell and convey part of
a Lot of Ground in the City of Baltimore.
Whereas, Milcah Owings, of the city of Baltimore, guardian
of Caleb Daughady, Eleanor Daughady, John Stewart, Susan
Stewart and Margaret Stewart, has represented to this gene-
ral assembly, that her wards are the proprietors of a certain
lot in the city of Baltimore, and that a part thereof which is un-
productive can be sold to great advantage, and that the money
arising therefrom should be invested to the advantage of her said
wards, which said part is contained within the following metes
and bounds, to wit: Beginning at the north east corner of the
part of the lot conveyed to Caleb Owings by Jacob Walter, and
running and bounding on the north line of said part westwardly
fifty feet six inches, thence south three and a half degrees, east
sixteen feet six inches, to the southwardmost line of said part,
Passed Feb. 5.